I love you so so so to the power of infinity much!

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Umm I want a burger.
I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! 

Nathan's POV

Flirt with guys? I mean that roughly translates to afraid of commitments. And god knows how many guys she's already been in a flirtatious relationship with in our college. I didn't wanna be one of those guys. But of course I had no other choice. Also friends?! I get it we will be a bit more than friends but still we were friends. I guess that wasn't really the worst part. I get to spend time with her, which is what was important. God! I wish she turns into drunk Megan and stays like that forever.

I was still in the café sipping on my espresso because something told me it was gonna be a long night. Megan had just left me after I ranted about how I was gonna be there for her. I mean is that really wrong? Maybe I pushed it too far with the 'resolve your issues' part, but cut the guy some slag. He just got to know the girl he wants a serious relationship with doesn't even want to go near the term 'serious' or 'relationship'. She must have already done this flirting thing with other guys. . . Maybe even Martin.

Suddenly I hated this place. So I got up tipped Martin more than I should and left. The café was pretty close to the campus so when Megan left I didn't follow her. I understood she needed some space. She must have reached by now but it was dark considering it was 4 fucking am and I did worry about her so I decided to text her.

Me: Is Kate in the dorm? 

I didn't wanna ask her directly.

Megan: Excuse me. Who is this?

Oops. I forgot to tell her I already had her number cuz I had taken it from Kate. But now that I did I decided to mess with her.

Me: Your stalker...

Megan: Hey stalker! It's weird how you are telling me you are my stalker though. Isn't that against the stalking conventions?

I laughed at her witty response. She knew it was me.

Me: okay then. Who do you want me to be?

Megan: Umm. Dylan O Brien. HOT.

I didn't know how to react to that because on one side I was jealous of a god damn movie star... I know it seems unreasonable but yeah. And on the other hand I was happy because this was the first time she showed a girly trait...Obsessing over a movie star.

Me: I am hot. Besides I am Alex Pettyfer.

Megan: OMG! Have you watched Wild Child?

Me: You watch chick flicks? I was actually pretty shocked.

Megan: Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?

Me: Sexist. And Nah. I am pretty sure in this 'relationship' of ours I am supposed to ask you that. Wait a second. Is that why you don't like girls? You know real life girls are not like the reel life ones right?

Megan: HA HA. Very funny. And no that's not why I don't like girls. I don't like girls because I am straight :p

Me: You know what I mean. . .

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