Every College Party Ever

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Megan's POV

"WHAT THE" I screamed so loud I think polar bears in Antarctica heard me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought maybe I had fallen asleep and I was dreaming about it but why would I dream about Caleb and Kate intensely making out and walking into my dorm!
They froze in their tracks and untangled from each other quickly before slowly turning to look at me.

"I can explain." Kate said at the same time as Caleb who said, "It was a mistake."

Okay. Awkward.

Caleb was screwed because Kate was giving him her best death stare while he just stood with an apologetic look on his face. Guy messed up real bad. But why would Kate make out with Caleb when—

"Megan, could you leave the room for a second. We need to talk about the 'mistake' we just made." Kate snarled giving Caleb a tight lipped smile.

"No I am cool. I will just be balled up here, you wouldn't even notice me."I said flicking my hand in a 'it's not a big deal' way. I was not gonna miss this.

For a moment I thought Kate would leave the room and rant in the hallway or go to Caleb's room but luckily for me, she didn't. She just gave me a sarcastic smile and focused on to Caleb.

Why? Why did I have to eat my cheesecake earlier? I would have enjoyed it much more in this atmosphere.

"So Caleb" She started. Ohmygod! My heart was beating so fast and she hadn't even started. Damn all nighters! They always heightened my emotions. I cried watching She's The Man one day, a perfectly happy rom-com, just because I couldn't believe how hot Channing Tatum looked in it. And this was real life drama. I have witnessed so many girl dramas over the years and let me tell you folks it's better than of the teen shows you watch online. They turn vicious and I saw that same look in Kate's eyes. She was totally gonna crush Caleb and I am gonna be here to witness it all. Wow!
Even though Caleb had become a very good friend of mine over a span of few days but this was just too epic of a situation to feel bad for someone. I did feel bad for him for a completely different reason though--

"That kiss was a mistake huh—"Kate growled.

"No if you could just—"Caleb tried to justify but of course Kate cut him.

"You coming onto me and dancing with me was a mistake too then?"

"I was. . .I—" He tried to speak again but-

"You getting me drinks was a mistake too?"

"I didn't. . .Mean—" Oh poor Caleb!

"You making the first move was a mistake too?"

"I. . ." Lord! pray for him.

"You asking me to not tell Megan or Nathan about this was a mistake too?" I gasped overdramatically.

"How could you Caleb?" I tried mocking Kate's serious tone struggling really hard to stifle a laugh by biting my lip. Unfortunately it doesn't go unnoticed by Kate and she turned to look at me.

"Is this all a joke to you Megan?" She asked, her eyes fuming with rage.

"Yyyuuuppp." I replied honestly.

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