Best of Both Worlds

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A big big thanks to @PrincessZ2005 for making the cover you see above. Thanks a lot!

Nathan's POV

"So you've—"

"I don't—" Megan and I started to speak at the same time. We let out a sigh unanimously and then started to speak again.



I looked over to her only to find her looking at me in distress and slight anger.

We both had so many questions. I mean what do you even do? How do you even react when you see your respective best friends pushed against the wall and kissing like it was their last day on planet Earth.

They didn't even hear the car or get distracted by the headlights it was only when we approached them and cleared our throats in unison did they separate and look back. And of course the looks on their faces were of shock, terror, guilt and embarrassment.

Caleb had sprang apart in a second on which he got an eye roll from Drew which I didn't miss and neither did Megan because that's exactly when we both realized that this had been going a long time.

All of it was so much to digest. Caleb had been trying to tell me that he was gay? All those times. . . It was safe to say that I felt even shittier after that realization.

"Why don't I get some time alone with Megan and you do the same with Caleb?" Drew voiced, his tone staggering a bit. It was pretty evident that he knew he'd messed up by not telling Megan about such an important thing and from his looks he was scared. He was scared of losing Megan.

I looked over to my girl beside me just looking at Drew, lost in her thoughts. She nodded slightly as if processing what he'd said now as if the seriousness of the situation was hitting her just then. I wanted to atleast throw one punch towards Drew. He knew she had trust issues. He of all people knew and yet. . .

I neared her and dragged one hand over to her shoulder. She didn't look at me but I felt her relax under my touch. Breathing deeply I leaned into her ear, "I am here for you baby" I whispered and kissed her head.

Drew sighed and took small steps towards Megan and gestured her to lead the way. She turned and started making her way towards the ground. I saw her body retreating and Drew's following just a step behind.

And now it was my time to face the music. I slowly turned to face him. He stood confidently, shoulders broad in contrast to me who was dreading everything and was afraid to even look him in the eye.

"That's what you were trying to tell me? That you were with Drew?" I mumbled.

"No. I was trying to tell you that I had feelings for a guy and that I didn't know that I could have feelings for a guy and I thought I was going crazy." He stated. Every word was like a dagger to heart. How could I have not been there for my only fucking true friend?

"I am so fucking sorry man" I apologised. It fucking hurt to know I couldn't help him and talk to him about everything, to know that I wasn't there for him when he needed someone close to talk about such stuff.

"You should be." He muttered, stiffly.

"I am, I really am. I fucked up good this time and I'll do anything to make it up." I pleaded.

"Cool, you're paying for my Netflix for the next year." He stated and then slowly a smile tugged on his face. I let out a breath I was holding and then laughed.

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