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Blake finished her counting, and just as she was about to pick up the first box to take inside the venue, her phone chimed in her pocket. It was a text from Palaye's manager.

"So, the missing money was just deposited in the band's PayPal. It was anonymous, so maybe something just went wrong with a deposit somewhere? Not sure, but thanks if you had anything to do with figuring it out."

She looked off in the direction Remington had gone, shaking her head. She still couldn't shake the weird feeling in her stomach, but she was thankful for the distraction when the oldest brother and the band's lead guitarist, Sebastian, came around the corner of the trailer, smiling at her widely.

"Good morning, lovely B," he said cheerily, and she shook her head, smiling and leaning into him when he wrapped a long arm around her shoulders in a hug.

"I'm pretty sure it's like three in the afternoon, Seb," she told him, and he shrugged.

"It is but I was up at six this morning to have a run and now I just woke up from a nap so it feels like morning. Get off my back," he joked, picking up one of his guitar cases and one of her merch boxes.

They walked into the venue in comfortable silence, both of them slightly shivering at the cold of the January afternoon. He set down her box at her table on the balcony that the door walked into, making his way down to the stage to tune his guitar. When he finished, he came back up to her.

"Hey, out of curiosity do you have any idea why Remington is so pissy?" he asked, his tone telling her that he at least kind of figured it had something to do with her. "He screamed at me a little while ago just for saying hello to him."

"Yeah... I think I was kind of accidentally a dick to him," she told him, and he scoffed.

"You mean as opposed to all the times you're purposely a dick to him?" he asked, and she nodded.

"That's exactly what I mean."

"Jeez. You two should just-," he started, but she cut him off.

"Hate fuck. I know," she half-snapped, and Sebastian raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry. I just... I don't actually at all know what to do about the shit show that is Remington and me suddenly," she said, heaving a sigh. He quirked an eyebrow, a grin playing at the corners of his lips. "Don't ask what it means. I don't know," she said before he had a chance to say anything else.

He nodded silently, hooking his arm through hers as they stepped back out into the cold air to grab the rest of her boxes.


A few hours later, the band's show was in full swing. They were a few songs into the set and Blake was enjoying it thoroughly, plus merch was selling well. Overall, she was in a pretty good mood and had all but forgotten about her weirdness with Remington earlier that afternoon.

One song ended and although she couldn't see him because the stage was below the balcony her table was on, she heard Remington talking to the crowd. Both he and Seb engaged with the crowd for a few minutes and then the next song took off.

About halfway through it, out of the corner of her eye Blake noticed Remington appear on the edge of the balcony, up against the stairs that led down to the stage and the floor. She wasn't surprised to see him; he was all about going into the crowd and climbing things during shows, even often hanging upside down when there were low rafters at his disposal.

What she was surprised to see, though, were the security guards that almost immediately surrounded him. One reached for him, pulling him roughly over the banister of the stairs. He fell to the floor at the top of the stairs, hitting hard. Blake looked around, noticing one of the band's guitar techs, James, lingering nearby.

"Watch the table!" she shouted at him, sprinting to where Remington was still trying to get out of the guards' grasp. When she got to him, the biggest of the men had Remington pushed down, holding him still.

"Get the fuck off him," Blake shouted, pushing the guy's shoulders hard. Still being on the stairs, her shove moved him enough that he stumbled slightly and Remington was able to wriggle out from his grasp. Blake reached for him, clamping her hands down on his arms and pulling him with all her might until he was in a standing position.

He looked absolutely crazed; his eyes were wide with a mix of fear and anger, his nose bled slightly and Blake could already see bruising and scraping in various places over his shirtless torso and chest. The music continued to pound underneath them and Remington turned on the security guard.

"What the fuck, man?" he demanded, and the guard shook his head wordlessly, pushing Remington forward again until he started moving all the way up the stairs. He and the other two men surrounded the two of them, pushing until Rem and Blake were both right in front of the door that led outside.

"You were told not to fucking climb anything or go into the audience, and you just couldn't listen, could you? I knew you fucks were gonna be trouble. Get out," the security guard demanded gruffly, and Blake could tell that Remington was about to either fire something back or full-on attack the guy or maybe even both. She got behind him, putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him towards the door that one of the other guards was holding open.

"He's not worth it, Remy. Come on. Fuck it, let's go," she said, standing on her tiptoes and leaning forward so that her mouth was right on level with his ear. Rem started to move reluctantly, looking over his shoulder with absolute rage in his stare.

Once he was out the door fully, Blake turned on the security guard, leveled him with a glare and spit directly at his chest. He looked at her dumbfounded, like it was the last thing he'd expected. She could see her glob of spit on his chest and smirked devilishly at it.

"Fuck you," she said fiercely, shaking her head and turning back to Remington.


a/n: so this chapter is inspired solely by what actually happened to remy at the palaye show wherever they were playing tonight (january 25). if you don't follow them on social, basically a group of security guards yanked/tackled/essentially assaulted him, i guess for climbing the stage or going into the audience or something? i'm not sure exactly the reason but watching the videos of it and seeing the pictures of his bruises on his instagram made me so mad that i just had to write it into the story somehow and get some of that annoyance out.

You'll Be Fine • {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now