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"Can't fuckin' believe that shit... Basically fuckin' tackle me for what? Playing a goddamn rock show... Told me not to climb anything?... They didn't tell me shit... There wasn't a notice in the green room and not a goddamn soul told me not to climb anything... Fuck this shit... So tired of it."

Remington ranted as he and Blake walked back to Palaye's bus. He was so angry that he was basically jogging, keeping himself enough ahead of her that she couldn't fully hear everything he was saying.

"Remy. Remington, hey," he said, jogging around so that she was in front of him. She put her hands on his shoulders, looking at him until his big brown eyes rose to hers. He still looked completely crazed; his eyes were wild and there was blood crusted around his nose and a mixture of makeup and sweat running down his face. "Breathe," she said simply, watching as he took a deep breath, exhaling heavily.

It was still bitingly cold outside, maybe even more so with the lateness of the evening, but Blake didn't really feel the cold and had a feeling Remington didn't either. Both of them were so hopped up on adrenaline that nothing mattered but their high energy levels.

"I can't fuckin' believe that shit," he said, his voice much more steady and calm.

"I know," she said quietly, taking a deep breath and nodding.

"Thank you for being there," he said, his eyes softening and actually focusing on her for the first time. She nodded again.

"You're welcome. I just... it made me so mad to see them handling you like that. It's... it wasn't right," she said, becoming aware of the sudden change in feeling between them. It didn't feel rage-fueled and adrenalized anymore, now it felt... different.

She couldn't explain it, couldn't put her finger on it, but something about his entire body language was different, and she was about to question him about it out loud but suddenly realized what was happening. She looked up at him again, her eyes searching his dark ones, and thought she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Her hands were still on his shoulders and she gently tugged him closer to her, taking a step forward herself to close the gap between them. He smirked, watching her as she leaned into him. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, knew full-well that she might be totally misreading the situation, but convinced herself to go with her gut anyway.

Her lips crashed onto his and she could hear him quickly intake a breath, like he hadn't quite expected her to actually do it. Once the half-second of shock was over, though, his lips were moving with hers and his arms were snaking around her waist, pulling her close so that their bodies were melding together, in closer proximity than they'd ever been in the entire time they'd known each other. He held her tightly, kissing her hard. She could almost feel the anger and frustration and embarrassment he was feeling through the kiss and suddenly she longed for a lot more than a kiss.

"Remy..." she mumbled into his lips, and he nodded, not pulling away even a little.

"I know," he said, inching away from her just enough to look her in the eyes. He searched her face for a moment, almost like he was looking for further confirmation and then stepped away from her and took her hand, leading her quickly back to the band's bus.

"Bathroom," she said impatiently as he unlocked the door and stepped off to the side to let her in. He nodded, following her closely. Once in the small space, he locked the door behind them and turned back to her, looking at her intensely.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything you'll regret later just because we're both pissed off," he said, his tone longing. She nodded.

"Don't you know that apparently the answer to all of our problems is hate-fucking?" she joked and he smiled, stepped close to her and kissing her again.


A little while later, Remy and Blake were covered in a thin sheen of sweet, holding onto each other for dear life as they tried to catch their breath.

"Tell me again why we didn't do that a long time ago?" Remy asked, smirking at her and she shrugged.

"Because you're an asshole."

"To be fair, so are you," he tossed back, watching as she grabbed a washcloth from a nearby shelf and wet it, dabbing at the blood around his nose.

"Let me see," she instructed him and he turned, revealing a nasty bruised scrape on his shoulder. She dabbed at it, apologizing as he winced.

"You okay?" she asked quietly. He turned back to face her, nodding.

"I'm sore and still pissed, honestly, but I'm glad you're here," he told her, taking her hands between his and looking at her intensely. She nodded.

"Me too," she admitted hesitantly, looking down at the way he held her hands. His touch was gentle, his calloused hands holding her tightly but not too tight. She looked back up into his eyes, smiling.

"What the fuck are we doing, Remington?" she asked, and he shrugged.

"You think I have any idea?" he asked her, making both of them laugh quietly.

Before either of them could say anything else, they heard the other two boys and the crew suddenly boarding the bus. They were loud, and most of them sounded angry over what had happened to Remy.

"Where the fuck are they? Neither of them are answering their phones!" Sebastian's voice was raised, concerned and angry.

"I'm sure they're fine. They're probably just walking it off somewhere. You know both of them do that when they're angry," Emerson's voice chimed, calmer but still sounding a bit concerned.

Remy and Blake exchanged a look as he reached for the lock on the small bathroom's door.

"Ready?" he mouthed silently, studying her. Both of them knew they were walking into a pack of wolves. She nodded. He clicked the lock open and swung the door wide, stepping out of the bathroom.

Every head in the bus turned towards them and cheers and yells erupted immediately. Both Remy and Blake rose their middle fingers at the same time, making each other laugh.

"I was just cleaning his nose and his scrapes. Shut up," she said, knowing that not a soul around them believed her.

You'll Be Fine • {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now