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When Blake woke up a few hours later and felt arms wrapped around her waist, it took her a minute to fully remember everything. When she did, she looked up at Remington, smiling at him fondly.

Although she wouldn't have admitted it to herself before, she'd always thought he was adorable when he slept. He always seemed so peaceful, his soft hair wild around his head and his full lips parted slightly.

She kissed his forehead, doing her best not to disturb him as she dug around her bunk for the phone she'd discarded earlier. Finding it, she wasn't surprised to see texts from both Sebastian and Emerson, and the band's bassist, Daniel.

Ems 🖤:
Blaaaaaakeyyyy. Tell me what's happening in there!

Are you dead?

Oh god you're dead aren't you??

Seb 💜:
Emerson thinks you're dead so you should probably respond to him.

He says he's coming in in thirty seconds.

It's been thirty seconds. He was bluffing. But for real are you two okay??

Handsome Dan:
Emerson and Sebastian are sure you guys killed each other and are now arguing over how to split your things now that you're gone. Just thought you should know.

(to: Ems 🖤, Seb 💜, Handsome Dan)
We're fine, guys. No one killed anyone and none of you may have any of our things. We fell asleep.

Blake smiled down at the phone, tossing it back behind her.

"Remy," she whispered, placing her lips next to his ear and watching as he stirred slightly.

"No," he mumbled, tightening his grip on her and pulling her closer. "I didn't sleep last night, I'm tired."

"We've gotta go face the wolves, babe. They're out there divvying up our things because they're sure we've killed each other," she told him, laughing as he shook his head.

"I don't care. Let them have my shit," he said, his voice raspy from sleep.

"But I'm hungry," she whined jokingly, poking him playfully in the chest.

"You don't keep snacks in here? Everyone knows you hide the good shit that you don't want Seb and Dan to eat when they're drunk," he mumbled, shoving his face down into her pillow.

"I don't actually have anything right now. Emerson raided my stash and took... well honestly he took everything, which I'll have to yell at him for later."

She leaned down towards him, turning his head gently until she could kiss him. When her lips connected with his, his arms found their way back around her and he pulled her close, leaning into the kiss and sighing happily.

"Well now you've given me another reason that we're not leaving," he told her, pulling away enough to smile at her.

"You're hungry too," she told him, guessing. She was pretty sure neither of them had eaten breakfast that morning. He thought about it for a second and then sighed dramatically.

"I'm fucking starving," he admitted, kissing her one more time before rolling backwards out of the bunk and flipping onto his feet. She rolled her eyes, laughing as he offered her his hand. She took it and stumbled out of the small space much less gracefully.

As they entered the front lounge of the bus, everyone erupted in cheers and laughter. Both she and Remington raised their middle fingers as they rummaged through the cupboards. Eventually they settled on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Remington made them and they both curled up on the bench seat in between everyone else.

"Don't even say anything," Blake mumbled to Emerson where he sat beside her with his sketchbook in his lap. He smirked, shaking his head and kissing her on the shoulder before going back to his work.

"So you guys are finally done pretending to hate each other, then?" Sebastian asked from the bench across from them, smiling widely.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I still hate him with everything I have," Blake said without skipping a beat and a glance at Remington told her he was smiling widely.

"She's the fucking worst," he confirmed, kissing her cheek before turning his attention back to his sandwich.

Thankfully, that was about all the shit the other guys gave them. Honestly, Blake had been expecting a whole lot more, so she didn't mind that they seemed to just go with it. She suspected that they'd been expecting it to happen for so long that it kind of just didn't phase them when it did and she was okay with it. Admittedly, it was even going to take her a little while to adjust.

She'd never, in her twenty-three years of life, told a guy she loved him. She'd never been in love, never even been close. She'd been in plenty of relationships, hooked up with plenty of guys that didn't matter, but none of it even compared to what she felt for Remington.

Her feelings for him had hit her like a brick wall. He was everything she hadn't even realized she'd wanted. He was beautiful, kind, hilarious, passionate, and had the perfect amount of temper when he gave a shit about something. Like he'd said before, she knew they'd definitely still argue. With how stubborn they both were, there was no way they wouldn't, but it didn't matter. None of it mattered because of how absolutely at home she felt sitting there on that fucking tour bus that smelled like feet and armpits pressed up against him eating a PB&J and watching some silly movie.


a/n: honestly i really love how this turned out, i think it's cute. i was originally going to carry it on a bit from here but i actually really like this as an ending! thanks for reading, i love you! ❤️

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