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"Sebastian, just let me fucking see her, okay? It's none of your goddamn business what happened, I just want to see her!"

Remington's angry voice startled Blake awake some time later. She wasn't sure what time it was, but it was still dark outside so she knew it had to still be in the middle of the night sometime.

"She doesn't want to see you, Rem. I don't care what happened, but I know she wouldn't have come here on the verge of tears and ignored your calls and texts if she wanted to see you."

Sebastian's voice was uncharacteristically calm; usually when Remington yelled at him, he yelled right back.

Blake sighed, heaving herself off the couch and taming her unbrushed and still partially wet hair into a bun on the top of her head. She stepped toward the door, looking at Remington standing outside.

"What?" she questioned, and Sebastian stepped aside but still hovered close.

"Come talk to me, please," Remy said calmly, nodding towards his own room. She sighed, giving Sebastian a nod before stepping into the hallway and following Rem to his room. Once inside, she noticed immediately that whatever guest he'd had earlier seemed to no longer be there.

"We don't have to talk about this, Remington," she told him, doing her best to keep her tone distant. He nodded.

"Yes, we do, because it's not what you think," he said, sounding annoyed.

"Whether it is or not, it's none of my business," she said, trying to keep herself calm. She'd known Remington long enough to know that his tone indicated he was on the search for an argument, and quite frankly she just didn't feel up to it.

"It was - the girl that was in here was Emerson's girlfriend, Blake. He used up all the hot water in their room and she just didn't want to take a cold shower," he explained, his tone still on edge.

"Okay," she whispered, shrugging. "Okay," she said louder. "It doesn't matter. It's not my business anyway, Remington."

"Why are you like that?" he demanded, unleashing all the angst she'd known was pent up within him. His tone had morphed to rough and crazed, on the verge of full-on yelling. Something about it mingled with the thunderstorm that was brewing in his eyes and triggered Blake's own temper at once.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" she demanded back, turning on him and scowling.

"You always act so fucking detached and like you don't care about anything and it's bullshit. I'm so tired of the goddamn cool aloof girl act, because everyone knows that's all it is," he said, fuming. He was angrier than she'd seen him in quite a while, and all it did was make her angrier too.

"Yeah, like you don't follow the same fucking act, huh? I know you, Remington, probably better than you wish I did, and I know that you're so fucking desperate for people to think you're cool and edgy that you'll do just about anything to make them think it, even if it means being the angry frontman with the piss-poor attitude that doesn't care whose feelings he hurts," she huffed, watching as he shook his head. She could tell the words hit him somewhere they hurt, but he was obviously trying pretty hard to make her think he was unaffected.

"Don't even start with me with that shit, Blake. I don't give a single shit what most people think about me. I care about my family and my friends and the family that is our fans. Everyone else can get fucked. I have feelings, emotions, and I show them. You're the one that acts like some fucking emotionless robot who couldn't possibly let herself have a real feeling for more than thirty seconds," he spat back, sitting down on the floor heavily, leaning against the wall and burying his face in his hands for a moment. Before she could respond, he was speaking again.

"That night, that night that everything happened I couldn't sleep. I told you it was because I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the show, and that was partially true. Most of the reason I couldn't sleep, though, was because I couldn't get you out of my goddamn head. Fuck if I know why, but I've been into you for a long time, maybe since I met you. Then that night happened and I thought... well, I thought I was falling for you, like really falling for you. I came to your bunk to tell you, to finally set it all out there and see what you said," he told her, his words surprising her. Sure, she'd known that he was into her, but she'd hadn't quite let herself believe that he might actually be falling for her for real.

"Why didn't you tell me all that?" she asked him, her tone void of the anger that had lived within it just moments before. Now she just sounded small and broken. He shrugged.

"Because I'm fucking terrified of you, Blake. I'm terrified that you knowing those things I just said will scare you away and make you never speak to me again. I know how you are, and I know you don't deal with this shit well. I just... I didn't know how to tell you, so I didn't. And now..." he trailed off, and Blake quirked an eyebrow.

"And now?"

"And now I wanted you to know, but I also want you to know that everything is so fucking twisted around and weird now and I don't know how I feel anymore and I sure as hell don't know how you feel, and I don't think it would be good for either of us," he said, the words feeling like individual knives to her heart.

"You don't... why does it feel like you're breaking up with me when we weren't even ever together?" she asked, a distinct lump in her throat. Remington wouldn't make eye contact wit her.

"Because I guess I kind of am."

She nodded, standing from the chair she was sitting in at the small dining table and walking towards the door wordlessly. Remington started to say something that he didn't finish and Blake walked out the door, making her way down the hallway to her room. The thought crossed her mind that she didn't have any of her things; they were all in Sebastian's room still, but it didn't matter. In that moment, all she wanted was to cry into her pillow in peace.

You'll Be Fine • {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now