Chapter Forty

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Louis’ POV:

     I clenched my jaw as I looked at the guy in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eleanor have a look of anger and fear in her eyes. I wish I wasn’t holding the coffee trays, so I could hold on to Eleanor’s hand. When I looked back at Mitch, I spat out, “What are you doing here?”

     “I’m here to see Kendall,” he answered back coolly.

     Before I could snap back at him, Eleanor beat me to it. “No one wants to see you. And I’m pretty sure if Kendall was awake, she’d want you out of here and out of her face,” she snapped.

     I couldn’t help but slightly grin at her answer. Mitch, however, seemed calm. “Look, I know you don’t like me, but I have to see her. She’s really important to me.”

     I scoffed. “Important to you? You right about raped her,” I snapped, but kept my voice low so no one else could hear us.

     “No one wants to see your face,” Eleanor said. “Come on, Lou, let’s go.”

     Without another word, Eleanor and I walked away from Mitch, and towards Kendall’s room. I pushed the door open with my leg and walked in. We then handed everyone their coffee, even Harry took it without a word. As we drank, Gemma asked, “Who’s that?”

     We all turned to look who she was talking about, and my blood ran cold as there stood, by the doorway, Mitch. What in his right mind was he thinking!? I turned my head to look at Harry, alarmed, and saw that in no doubt, the lad was mad. He was clenching his jaw hard, clenching and unclenching his free fist, and clutching his coffee cup hard that it might just crack. In one swift movement, Harry threw his cup on the floor and launched himself on Mitch, pounding him in the face. The girls and Anne and Kelly let out a surprised gasp as the lads and I put down our cups and ran over to the scene. Zayn and I tried to tug off Harry from Mitch as Liam and Niall held back Mitch, who wasn’t hesitating to throw back punches.

     Once Zayn and I successfully tugged of Harry, he was breathing hard. “Why the fuck are you here!?” he yelled at Mitch. “You’re not allowed to see her, or be anywhere near her for that matter!”

     “Harry, honey, relax,” Anne said, as calmly as she could but her voice was shaking.

     “Relax?!” Harry bellowed, outraged. “This bastard almost raped Kendall! And you’re telling me to relax?!”

     Gemma, Anne, and Kelly’s eyes widened as they registered what Harry had just said. Kelly’s eyes traveled over to Mitch, who was sporting and clutching his now bloody nose. Kelly then walked forward, raised her hand, and slapped Mitch straight across the face. All of us – even Harry – were shocked, not seeing this coming. “You stay away from my daughter, alright?” Kelly said in a low, threatening tone to Mitch. “If I catch you anywhere near as ten feet of her, I will not hesitate to call the police.”

     Mitch barely nodded, before trudging out of the hospital room. Kelly then turned to Harry, and her face softened. “Thank you, Harry,” she smiled. “And I’m sure Kendall would have appreciated that as well.

     Harry let out a small smile, and sat back down in the seat from which he hasn’t moved from in a few days. Recovering from what just happened, we all sat back down and drank our coffees. Just then, a doctor came in. “Are you all family?” he asked.

     “I’m her mother,” Kelly said. “But they are classified as family,” she added, motioning to all of us, making us smile.

     The doctor nodded. “Well, we had ran a few tests on Kendall a few hours ago, and we can tell you that her broken bones have all been healed perfectly.”

     “Do you know when she will be waking up?” Zayn asked.

     The doctor sighed and shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid not. It could be today, tomorrow, in a few weeks...” he trailed off. “Let’s just hope for the best.”

     We all nodded and the doctor then left.


     It’s been seven hours, and we all are still sitting here in Kendall’s hospital room. It’s now half past twelve at night, and we all can’t even sleep. Half of us our afraid that Mitch might come back, despite Kelly’s warning, and the others just don’t want to fall asleep. My eyes traveled over to my best mate, who was glued to that seat next to Kendall. He was holding Kendall’s left hand, and was playing with the promise ring on her finger. Eleanor was asleep on my shoulder, and I rested my head on top of hers and closed my eyes. But right when I did, a weak, frail voice echoed through the room.


     Kendall was finally awake.



This was terribly short, I know.

But I have SOOO much summer homework to do, and school starts in like, two weeks. Yeah, I'm a procrastinator. I'm sorry! I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Love youhss xx

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