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You eventually both stopped when you were finally out of reach from your bully. You breathed so heavily, your throat was dry and you leaned down and put your hands on your knees to catch your breath. Frank seemed like he felt the same like you, both of you panting like you just ran a 40 miles marathon. You didn't know where you were for a short moment, but then recognized the houses as your neighborhood. After you both kind of caught your breath, you looked behind again, just in case he followed the two of you. Which he luckily didn't.

Frank looked at you. "Are you okay?" He asked you with a hoarse voice.

"I- I uhm- yeah, I guess" you answered him, still out of breath.

"What did he do to you? Did he touch you anywhere?" He came closer to you.

"He- He-" you tried to comprehend what happened, and right as you had to think about it again tears were dripping silently down to your cheek.

"Hey, hey don't cry. I'm here now, it's okay" he came close to you and engulfed you in a tight hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and cried onto his shoulder and neck.

Silent tears then developed into full-on sobbing. He whispered things like "it's okay" or "I'm here" and "let it out" into your ear.

He held you tight against his chest while you head was in the crook of his neck. You've never been this close to him ever before. After a while, your sons started to die down again.

"thank you"


The loud sound of you alarm woke you up when it was still dark outside. Slowly, you crawled out of bed turning it off. As you were sitting at the edge of your bed, you rubbed your tired eyes. You didn't want to go to school today. Even though Frank assured you he wouldn't let the bullies get you again, the thought of going back made your stomach twist. You eventually got ready, because you didn't had another option than to go. Yes, you could call in sick but you didn't want to do that because what if Franks alone tomorrow and your bully gets face to face with him? It wouldn't end good, for sure. That's why you decided to go.

Without breakfast, due to the reason you felt to sick and excited to eat, you started your way to school.

When you arrived, you didn't looked up to anyone. You kept your head down, avoiding any kind of contact with anyone there. You didn't even went to your locker first, you just walked straight into your first class.

As the bell rang, and the teacher came in, that's when you noticed that there was one particular seat in the back that was empty. Next to that Ray kid with the fluffy hair or whatever his name was.

Usually, that's where Frank sat.

Then it hits you. What if he decided he doesn't come to school today?  What would you do on your own today If he sees you? Coming up to you with a blue-bruised eye and beat you? Or even rape you behind the school? All kinds of thoughts raced through your head when you realized that we wasn't going to show up today. You made up the wildest scenarios that could possibly happen today and you were so afraid of all of this you didn't notice the sound of the ringing bell and only realized that the lesson was over when suddenly everyone stood up and rushed out of the classroom. You packed your things and as you left the classroom, you tried to mentally prepare yourself to what you thought will happen. And you proceeded to make your way to your locker.

As you reached your destination, you opened the locker and stuffed your books inside and put a few other ones in your bag. Your hands were shaking, waiting for that moment when he would suddenly stand behind you. But that moment never came. Instead, you felt someone's presence approach you, but you just knew it couldn't be him. Just to make sure, you hastily turned around and came face to face with... Mr. Armstrong ?

"Oh,Hello, miss Y/L/N." He greeted you.

Your fear washed away for a moment.

"H-Hello mr. Armstrong" you said, voice still shaking.

"I need to talk to you. Would you mind follow me to my office?" He asked.

"N-No, not at a-all" you stuttered out.

He made his way with you next to him to his office and opened the door, and what you saw made your breath stop for a moment.

In one of the chairs was Frank sitting with his hands nervously fumbling in his lap. In the other chair, on the other side you saw him. With a blue, Okay maybe more dark violet than blue, eye and his arms crossed sitting in his chair. And, in the back of the room sat the janitor, probably to not let them beat each other up.

Both looked up to you when they realized you came into your room.

"Please have a seat, Y/N." Mr. Armstrong told you, gesturing for the seat next to Frank. You say down with your hands shaking.

"I believe that you know why I brought you here by now. Would you mind telling us your side of the story?" He asked you.

All eyes were on you and you looked over at Frank, who looked just as worried as you.

"I- uhm, I-.." you stuttered out, tears already forming in your eyes. Mr. Armstrong noticed and asked you: "can you tell it with them in the room or would you be more comfortable if we talk under four eyes for a while?"

You just nodded, and then the janitor got up and took Frank and the bully to the room next door without another word.

"Okay, you can continue."

r u mine? || Frank Iero x Reader (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now