chapter 5.

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Words are spoken but I can't really clearly hear it . The door seemed to be opened then was closed with a light crack . Black was all I could see as my head was as heavy as a stone . Pain was all over my body  and my bones are hurting me as if I have just fallen off a train.

"jesie? Jessie are you better now?"

Said a soft voice whom seemed to belong to louis , His hands are playing with my light brown curls.

"Am fine , Just feeling..exhausted" I replied without opening my hurting eyelids.

"Yeah , The doctor have just told me that the medicine you took causes body pain"

" wait .where are we? what happened?" I opened my eyes sliding lightly trying to sit up straightly in the white covered bed. Louis helped me by supporting my back with a squared pillow .

" You fainted and then I took you here and called the doctor , That's it "

"yeah, I could now remember " I placed my palm on my forhead rubbing it slightly.

" Jessie Wh..why were you crying? Sorry  for asking but you were crying in an ab-normal way "

"Family issues are just destroying me"

Louis turned around and grabbed a wodden chair then placed it beside the bed looking to me straight in the eyes ready to here me.

"Well, My parents have been fighting since few years ago. At first they had justifications to fight but these days they are fighting more frequently on every thing.

I've always been that type of a person who gets afeected easily with the circumstances. especially since the disappearance of her " I stopped my eyes started gettimg teary as the memories float into my mind.

"Am sorry , but who is she?"

"she was.."  Suddenly my cell phone started ringing , I noticed the caller  ID  was my mother .

" Reply on her jessie "

" I won't" I said more in a strict tone.

" Reply . She needs you."

" How'd you know ,louis!'

" uhh..Just a feeling" He faked a small smile ,then I flipped my phone and decided to reply her call.

"Jessie , You father we need you ! Please jessie he is..he is dying"

"where are you ,both?"

"at home"

"am coming " The line went dead as I jumped off the bed searching for my shoes and purse

"louis , I have to . Dad is tired "

"Would you need a drive.."

" no , no am just okay "


"Mum where are you " I followed the voice of tge television   in the living room.

"Dad , are you okay"

" Calm down ,jessie. Your father is okay. "

"what? Were you kidding me? I lost my breath and nearly went insane cause you just wanted to make a kind of a joke?"

"we made all this cause we needed to talk "

"And what do you want?"

"well, we know that you haven't been doing really well since the death of your best friend"

"hold on ,mom. She isn't dead . She..she was kidnapped!"

" Look ,jessie I won't argue much around that point but after what happened today we discovered how much you need a rest. So we thought about you travelling some where during winter break . It  is a week later so think about it . "

"what? travel ?  I ..."

" jessie. Take it or leave it, okay?"

"Okay,dad. But I won't travel alone"

"But me neither you mother have time to.."

"I'll take my friend . Louis"

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