Chapter Four

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I watched the door slam close behind Chloe. Frowning, I quickly jogged down the stairs, pulling it open again, only to see a taxi pulling away quickly. I sighed loudly and closed the door again, walking to the bar seperating the kitchen from the living room. I noticed a piece of paper laying there, picking it up.

"No.." I mumbled, shaking my head slightly.

It's better that she's gone. You don't need no child to watch after. You're Spiderman. You don't have time for any of that.

Blinking, I looked around. Who said that?

Your mind, you idiot. No one else is in the house besides you.

What do you want?

Just letting you know that you're better off alone. Let her take care of it alone. Let her divorce you. You don't need anyone but yourself.

But I love her.

Does she love you, though. If she really did, would she have left you just now? Even if you were in a bad mood?

You've made me act like that towards her. I can't help it.

So what? She still left. She doesn't love you. Never did.

That's not true. She wouldn't have married me if she didn't. She wouldn't be carrying around my child if she didn't.

She could have just been using you.Think about it; do you really want some woman in your life, controlling what you do?

Well, no, but Chloe-

She always demanded to know where you were.

Because she was worried.

If you really want to believe that.

I'm not divorcing her.

You might not divorce her, but she'll divorce you.

I stared at the tv, not really paying attention to what was happening on it. I missed Peter. Not the rude, jerky Peter. The sweet, caring, and protective Peter. Old Peter. I sighed quietly and glanced down at my phone, not seeing any new texts or calls. I thought for sure by now he would have tried to text or call. I guess not..

"It just doesn't sound like Peter at all." aunt May stated, walking into the living room with too cups of tea.

I took one from her as she sat down, "I don't know what his problem is. It happened out of no where. I didn't do anything to provoke him, either." I frowned, shaking my head, "I wish I knew what was going on, but he won't even talk to me about it."

"Maybe it's something going on at work. He could be stressed about some kind of project or whatever they do in that building." she shrugged, looking over at me, "He'll come around eventually."

"I sure hope so. I don't think I could stand having to leave him and take care of our baby all alone." I said quietly, staring down at the warm cup in my hands.

"I'll make sure you don't have to." she smiled slightly, laying a hand on my back, "Let's head over to Carlo's Bakery. I'll pay for the cake and everything."

"You don't have to do that." I stated, "I can pay for it."

"Nonsense. While they make the cake, we'll plan and set a date for the baby shower." she smiled, standing up.

I chuckled quietly and followed her towards the door after we sat our cups down. As I closed the door behind me, I glanced around at the sky and the top of the buildings, in hope of seeing Peter anywhere. I got a glimps of a black figure retreating around a building. I shook my head. If he tries to speak to me again, I'm demanding to know why he's treated me so bad and what is up with that horrible black suit.

So, Peter's going crazy all thanks to that suit xD I'm pretty sure in the old movies, he didn't hear a voice in his head, but hey. It's fanfic. Anything can happen :D

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