Chapter Ten

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We turned our heads, seeing Harry leaning back against the now closed door. I stood up straight, "Why won't you leave us alone?"

"Chloe, we have already had this discussion." he sighed, waving his hand slightly as he looked me over, "Oh, it looks like someone is expecting."

"Yeah. So?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I'm just making observations." he stated, walking towards us, "It's a shame that it's Peter's." he sighed.

"I'm quite happy it's his. I mean, he is my husband after all."

"Wouldn't be a shame if he never made it out of here alive?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"But he will." I said, walking up to him.

"So sorry, dear Chloe." he smiled before pressing a needle in my arm.

I heard Peter shout my name, my vision already blurring. Harry grabbed my arms, laying me down on the bed, "Don't worry. The baby won't be effected by that."

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

I stared over at Chloe as Harry gently laid her down on the other bed in my room. I sat up, shooting a web at him before pulling him over to me.

"Don't work yourself up too much. We don't want you feeling weak so soon."

"I heal fast." I stated, glaring at him, "Why don't you just leave us alone?" I asked.

"You almost let me die." he stated, "You wouldn't give me your blood. Now I have to suffer with it coming and going."

"That's not my problem, Harry. I would have killed you if our blood wasn't compatible."

"I was dying anyway!" he yelled, pushing me down on the bed, his hands around my neck.

"But now you aren't." I muttered, trying to pull his hands away, "You're alive."

"You took something from me." he stated quietly, "You took my hope away."

"You took Gwen away." I whispered.

"Now I'm torn." he sighed, his hands loosening up, "I don't know whether to take Chloe away from you again or take you from her and force her to be with me."

"How about neither?" I asked, shooting a web in his eyes.

His hands instantly went up to his face, allowing me to push him on the ground.

"If he ever escapes again, I don't know what I'll do." I muttered to myself, sitting beside Chloe's bed.

I was finally released after they arrested Harry again and did some final tests on me. I'm pretty sure they're suspicious as to who I am other than Peter Parker now, though..

Chloe groaned quietly, her eyes blinking rapidly.

"Chloe, baby." I said quietly, grabbing her hand, "I'm right here."

She frowned slightly and looked over at me, "Peter?"

"Yeah." I smiled slightly.

"Something's going to happen." she sighed, closing her eyes again.

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I saw it."

"Saw what?"

She closed her eyes even tighter, "You're going to die."

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