Chapter Fourteen - end

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So here it is... The final chapter to Spidermans Family and the ending to this lovely trilogy that I never planned on doing xD I'm only ending it because I don't know what else to write in this story and I think it's been going on long enough. I hope you enjoy this final chapter :D

"That's it! Come on, you can do it!" I smiled brightly, holding my arms out to Mary, who was cautiously trying to take a step forward.

"What if she falls?" Peter frowned, sitting beside me, "She'll hit the table."

"The table is literally five feet away from her." I chuckled, glancing over at him, "I believe she ca-"

I was interrupted when something sticky hit my face. I blinked and looked at Mary, who was sitting on the floor with her arm up like Peter does when he shoots a web. I blinked and wiped the web off, "Um. I thought you had a little machine that created the webs." I stated quietly.

"I do.." he mumbled, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed quietly, "Great. Another spider in the family."

"Mary! Get down from the ceiling!" I yelled, "Peter, come in here and help me!"

"Mary!" he shouted from the other room he was in, "Get down, sweetie!"

She just laughed and stared down at me. I sighed loudly and crossed my arms, "Thanks a bunch, Peter." I muttered, shaking my head, "Mary, sweetie, come on."

She shook her head, her straight brown hair whipping around slightly, "I like it up here, mommy."

"I know, but I don't need my five year old hanging from the ceiling."

She sighed loudly, "Catch me!" she called out, instantly falling from the ceiling and landing in my arms, "Why don't you have powers?"

I chuckled and kissed her forehead, "I used to. Now, go see what your father is doing."

"Remember, be home by twelve. No, actually, make that nine. Be home by nine!" Peter called out to Mary and her date for prom.

"Peter, hush." I chuckled, "It's her senior prom. Leave her be."

He sighed loudly and closed the door, "I can't believe how fast she's grown up."

"I know. It just seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant."

He nodded slightly and kissed my forehead, "Maybe I should go to the school and watch over her."

"Peter!" I chuckled, "We're going to have a nice night at home. Just the two of us. She's been with Sam for about a year now. You like him, I like him. He's trustworthy."

"I know." he sighed loudly, "What if there's a crime or something? She can't just leave prom."

"Sam also knows about her taking over what you did. He'll understand."

Peter nodded slightly and walked over to the speakers, plugging his phone it, a slow song suddenly coming on. I smiled brightly, "This was the song you first kissed me."

"At our senior prom." he smiled back, walking back over to me, his arms going around my waist, "How about we relive that night?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, our lips connecting.

That's it!

Thank you to everyone who read this trilogy and actually enjoyed it! xD A new story coming out soon! I just need a cover, so IF ANYONE COULD MAKE IT AND SEND IT TO ME BY EMAIL OR POSSIBLY TWITTER ORR A LINK IN THE MESSAGES, IT'D BE GREAT!

It's sad to see Peter and Chloe's story come to a close, but it had to happen soon :( thanks again, everyone! If you by any chance have any questions about this story or whatever, I'll be glad to answer them down in the comments below :)

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