Chapter Six

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"When are they bringing it?"

"I don't know."

"But it's like, ten minutes until the shower starts."

"Peter, they always make it on time. It's gonna be okay." I chuckled.

"What kinda of cake did you ask for? Did you tell them to make it all cool?"

"I told them to surprise me with it. I just wanted to be pretty amazed and surprised at how it looks, you know? You sound even more excited than I am."

"It is pretty exciting. I mean, a cake from Carlo's Bakery. Did you really talk to Buddy?"


"Was he nice?"

"Just like he is on tv."

"I wish I could have met him."

"You're getting ready to." I stated, finally turning towards him, "Calm down, babe."

"I'm just really excited." he smiled, shrugging slightly.

"We can all see that dear." aunt May laughed, walking up to us.

The baby shower was being held at aunt May's apartment. It was beautifully decorated and what it lacked now was the cake. I swear, Peter's going to die of excitment sooner or later..

"Are they here yet?"

"Have you heard a knock on the door?" I chuckled, raising an eyebrow at him, "Just calm down and breath. They'll be here and then we can take pictures and meet everyone."

"And when they leave, can I leave?"

"That was the plan." I chuckled, nodding, "Go do whatever you want."

"Do you want me to stay here?" he asked, looking down at me.

"That's up to you. We're just going to be playing a bunch of games and opening presents."

"I think I'll leave." Peter chuckled, shaking his head.

A loud knock echoed through the house. I smiled brightly and practically ran over to the door, Peter chasing behind me. I pulled open the door and smiled at all the workers who brought up the cake. Once they rolled it in, I finally looked at the cake.

"Oh my God." I smiled brightly, "Look how cute!"

"Congratulations, Peter and Chloe. We were honored to do such a wonderful cake and to be able to know what gender your baby is before you." Buddy said, looking over at us, "How about we cut into this and let you find out what you're having?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled, nodding quickly.

"Would you like to do the honors?" he asked, holding up the knife.

"I actually think Peter would." I giggled, looking up at Peter's excited face.

He smiled brightly and nodded, grabbing the knife and walking up to the cake, "Everyone got their pictures of it, right? Well, I hope so cause I'm cutting it now." he stated before letting the knife cut through the cake. I bit my bottom lip, watching as he cut another line across from the first.

"Here we go." I stated, walking over to him.

He nodded slightly and pulled away the slice of cake, revealing a.. baby pink colored cake in the middle.

"It's a girl!" I smiled brightly, wrapping my arms around Peter's waste tightly.

He chuckled and hugged me back, "And she's going to be perfect."

Um, can I just say...SCUTE. #scute


So, guys! I decided that once I hit the big 100 followers, I'll reveal some social media usernames of mine so you could, like, I dunno.. follow me and see what goes on in my life! xD hopefully that'll happen soon :)

I have a couple of people saying they want Chloe to have powers again. Tbh, I wasn't really planning on her having powers. BUT I think I can make it happen, just for you guys! :D

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