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"Sometimes people throw a curve ball at ya. Number 1 rule for life? Be prepared for anything."

"Yea yea.. but he's still our cute little brother."


The 3 siblings woke up the next morning and got ready for school. Danube stared out into space while getting dressed. He thought about yesterday and started to shed tears.

Apollo came in to check on him and found him balled up on his bed. "You don't have to go to school today if you don't want to.." He hugged Danube to calm him down.

"It's ok... I'll go back today.." He said while he sniffed and dried  his tears away.

"Well if that's what you want, then you can go. But I hired a body guard for you."

Danube sat up. "Wait you did what???" The body guard came in. "I said I hired a body guard. His name is Sebastian."

"Hello there." Sebastian greeted.

~•Danube's POV•~

"Hello there." Sebastian greeted.

I stared at him for a second and realized, °MY BROTHER IS CRAZY PROTECTIVE.°

"Your kidding right? There's no way I'm going to school with a body guard-"

Apollo tugged my collar and threw me in the car. "Either you go with him or I'm gonna be the body guard."

"But that's not fair!"

"Life is never fair. Now shut your trap and buckle your seatbelt."  Man, if I could yell at my brother I would. There's no way I'm going to school with a body guard, everyone would think I'm wimpy.


They arrived at school a few minutes later and got out the car. "Don't worry Danube, I'll protect you from those guys today!" Lake started to get super cocky and arrogant.

Danube hugged his blanket and sighed. "I hope so.."

The twins were early to their class as usual. Danube hugged his blanket tighter when the boys came in.

"Hey guys, look at the little baby with his blankey!" The guy came over and snatched the blanket away. Danube tried to get it back but he was too short. " "Want your blankey wankey? Then go get it!" The guys started to play monkey in the middle with the blanket.

"HEY! GIVE THE BLANKET BACK TO HIM." Lake snatched the blanket away from them and gave it back to Danube. "GO PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!"

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT LITTLE GIRL?" The boys started to tease and push the twins around.


"Oh no! Your older brother? I'm SOOOO SCARED. GO AHEAD AND GET HIM. I DONT CARE."

Lake ran down the hallway and got Apollo. They came back to the room and the boys were kicking Danube.

"Come on little baby! CRY! CRY LIKE THE LITTLE WIMP YOU ARE!" The boys laughed and threw trash at him.

Apollo tapped on the guys shoulder. He was more pissed than ever.

"Didn't I tell you guys to stop messing with my brother?"

~•Lake's POV•~

"Didn't I tell you guys to stop messing with my brother?"

Uh oh. He's super pissed. You never want to make Apollo mad. Y'all gotta understand, this man is almost 6'3. And those guys? 5'10. He's a pretty tall dude. That's why he looks so intimidating. But he's usually gentle around us. Well actually that's kind of a lie.. he's strict. But still you never want to make this dude mad.

The guys backed away a bit and started to get scared. But the red head dude, he decided to say something you never say to a guy like my brother.

"Psh, your not that scary. And besides, no one is gonna take you seriously with that head of hair, curly." 

The whole room got silent. Me and Danube could see that Apollo was trembling in anger.

Just like that, The red head was in a head lock.

"You wanna say that again, punk?!"  Apollo would never kill anybody unless he had to, but he looked like he was gonna choke the crap out of this guy.

"ACK! UNCLE, UNCLE!!" The guy screamed and beat the floor.

Apollo eventually let him go but took the other guys by the collar and dropped them off by the principal's office.

Danube was beat up bad though and had to go home early. Me and Apollo went back too to take care of him.


There was a knock on the door. Sebastian went over to see who it is. Apollo came down stairs and saw Justin at the door.

"Oh hey, is Danube home?" Justin wiped his feet on the mat and came in. Apollo was a bit surprised that Justin knew Japanese.

"Yeah he's upstairs, but what are you doing here?"

"I just came by to check on him and see if he's doing ok."

Apollo led Justin up to Danube's room. "I'll be at the store with Lake. Just watch over him and get him anything he needs." Once He and Lake left, Justin decided to make his move.

"Hey Danube. You ok?" Justin walked over and sat on the bed.

"Yea I'm fine.." Danube slouched in his bed. "...but you can speak Japanese..?"

"Yea. My mom taught me when I was little." Justin grinned. "She would always teach me the sentences she knew and the ones she learned along the way, sooner or later I became quite fluent. I haven't spoke it in a long time so I maybe at bit shaken up on my words. Well anyway, enough about me, why don't we get to know each other?"


"So you already know my name and I know yours. What do you like to do?"

"Um...I like to draw and..uh...cuddle with my blanket.." He put his face in his blanket feeling embarrassed.

"Really? That's actually kinda cute." Justin chuckled a little bit at his action.

Danube blushed at the sudden comment. No one had ever called him cute except his family, especially his siblings.

"You really...think..so?"

"Yea. And don't let those bullies get to you. They're just jealous because all the girls were talking about how cute you acted."

"Oh...I didn't think people would think I'm cute..." He scratched his nose a little bit.

"You really are.." Justin grinned a little bit. They continued their conversation a little bit longer and got to know each other. Justin looked over at him and admired Danube's features. He bit his lip a little without realizing.

"Hey.. I know we just met but.. do you mind if I.."

Justin leaned over and kissed Danube. You already know Danube was freaking out right now. He eventually got used to it and went along with his little game. They continued to kiss, then Justin decided to make another move by palming him outside Danube's underwear without warning.
As a reaction, Danube moaned by accident and immediately covered his mouth.

"W-what the-"

"Shhhh." Justin put his finger on Danube's soft lips and smirked. "We don't want anyone to hear you now do we princess? Just stay quiet for me, ok?"

Word count: 1,206


CLIFF HANGERRRRRRR. Sorry lol but, hope y'all enjoyed this. I'm going to be working on three and I'll see you next time!

- blujimegh

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