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"Anything can catch up to you. Words, Thoughts, even Actions. Always be careful about what you say and what you do."

"Shhhh." Justin put his finger on Danube's soft lips and smirked. "We don't want anyone to hear you now do we princess? Just stay quiet for me, ok?"


Apollo and Lake came back late because of traffic. They went upstairs to check up on Danube. Apollo knocked on the door. "Danube? You ok in there?"

There wasn't a response.
"Danube? Danube!"

Still no response. Finally Apollo busted down the door. "DANUBE."

Danube woke up naked in his bed with Justin fast asleep. "What..?"

Apollo was completely silent, while Lake was standing behind him. "Oh, snap."

Danube stared at her blankly for a second. Then he realized, °wait.....OH CRAP-°

He tried to cover himself up with the blanket. "Wait!It's not what it looks like!"

Apollo tugged his arm and dragged him in the living room with Danube still in a blanket. He plopped down on the arm chair and gave him a cold stare filled with anger.

"Start talking. What the hell were you two doing alone?"

"Um..i-uh..." Danube started studdering really bad. That was one of things he did when he was really nervous. "I d-don't..really remember.."

Apollo clicked his tongue and shot out the chair, towering over Danube. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT REMEMBER?? WHY THE HELL IS JUSTIN IN YOUR BED NAKED WITH YOU?!!" Apollo snapped.

"I-I don't k-know.." His ears turned pink when he tried to lie. Apollo started to get even more pissed when he saw his ears.

"Your lying...YOUR F*CKING LYING."

"I-i-im s-sorry.." Danube was on the edge of crying. Apollo never cursed at him or yelled at him this much.


~•Danube's POV•~


I felt tears rolling down my cheeks once he said that. I thought he would never curse at me or call me a slut. But I was wrong.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I slid down and started to bawl my eyes out. Justin woke up and ran over to me. "Whoa baby! What happened?"

I tried to get words out the best I could. "He yelled at me... he cursed at me...."

Justin started to get pissed. "I'm not gonna let that so called brother talk to you like that. Come on." He put his clothes back on and handed me some of mine. "Your not gonna stay in this hell hole any longer. Start packing your bags."

"But what about my mom and dad?"

"It's Apollo's fault that he screamed at you like that, so your parents are gonna pay too."

"But where are we gonna go?" I got my bag, ready to leave. "Back to my house." He threw my mattress out the window and grabbed my hand. "Hang on tight."


He got on his bike and pedalled over to his house. Once he hit the brakes, I got off and looked up at it. It as as big as mine..and mine is pretty much the size as a small 5 star hotel. His parents weren't home yet, but he had his key to get inside. "Wow your house is so pretty!" We walked into the kitchen/ living room area.

"Yea, my mom always wants it to be super clean for anybody that comes over. Come on. I'll show you my room."


The two boys went upstairs to Justin's room. It was pretty regular. Except for the BIG KING SIZE BED IN THE MIDDLE AND A MASTER BATHROOM. 

"WHOAAAAAA! THIS IS SO COOL!!" Danube looked around the room in awe. "Huh?" He looked over at the slightly stuffed closet.

"What did you find-" Justin looked back to see him opening the closet. "WAIT DONT OPEN THA-"

All his manga and comics spilled out onto the floor in a big pile. Danube stared at it blankly and looked up at him. "Where did you get all of this??"

"Barnes and Noble..." Justin poked his fingers together and got embarrassed.

"Oh! I really like this one :3" Danube picked up a manga and sat in the window sill. He and Justin read manga and comics for about a couple hours until Justin's parents came through the door at 7pm.

"Honey! We're home!" Justin's mother came upstairs and cracked open the door. "Honey? You doing ok today?"

Justin looked up from his comic. "Yea I'm fine mom." Justin's mother came up and tugged on his ear. "Why didn't you tell me you were inviting your friend over??"

"Ack! Mom!! Let me go!" Justin tried to swat his mom away. "I would have cleaned the house and made dinner early! -sigh- You silly boy." She ruffled his hair gently.

"Sorry mom."

"It's fine honey, just get ready for dinner." She went downstairs to start on dinner. Danube took out a bottle of pills and tried to find a water bottle.

"Whoa. What's with the pills?"

"Its for allergy control." Danube took the medicine sat back down. "I'm allergic to peanuts, seafood, acidic foods, poison ivy,  garlic, some fruits and veggies, and dogs. I think." 

"Uh...are you allergic to anything with cheese in it?"

"I'm actually lactose and tolerant."

"Oh...what fruits and vegetables are you allergic to?"

"Mangos, Raspberries, Zucchini, and Squash."


"Oh time for dinner. Come on."


~•Apollo's POV•~

"Lake! Did you find him yet!?" We checked all over the house for Danube. But no sign. "Nope. They're completely gone."

"Call the police. I'm not sleeping a wink until he comes home." I've never been so stressed. I didn't think he would run away like this.. god, what will I tell mom and dad?? That I ran our brother away from home?? Mom busted through the door crying and grabbed my shoulders. "WHERE IS MY BABY!?"

"I don't know- wait how did you know he was gone?!"

"Lake called us just a minute ago." Dad was right behind her and hugged her. "It's ok honey.. the police will find him.."

My mom was sobbing more than the last time Danube went to the hospital for allergies. "What  if some crazy man snatched him?! MY BABY COULD BE LOCKED UP SOMEWHERE WITH CRIMINALS FOR GOD SAKE!" She started sobbing even more.

"Apollo. I need you and your sister to get in the car and drive around the city. Me and your mother will do the same."

"Yes sir." I took Lake into my truck and we drove around the city. I couldn't help but worry about my little brother.

°God Danube, where the hell are you..°



Word count: 1227

•Will be posting at least 2 chapters every Wednesday. If I don't post on Wednesday, then expect to get 4 the next week.
•i don't know how many chapters I should do for this book. You guys can tell me how many you think I should post.

Thanks for reading and see you next chapter.

- blujimegh

The Prince who became a PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now