Chapter 4~ Party Time {Partial Smut}

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"Oh damn it lance I need you~"
"Fuck Keith.."
I buck my hips and lower my head down into his neck , licking and sucking until I leave marks.
"Shit lance.. someone's gonna see that"
"Let them.." I groan softly into his ear and nibble at the lobe.
I jump awake at the sound of my ring tone.
I lazily flop my hand to the side and feel around for my phone, picking it up and answering it.
"Hello?" I question groggily.
"Aye Lance, you comin or what?"
"Comin where?"
"To the party dumb ass what are you doing?"
I look at the time on my alarm clock and jump out of bed, running to the closet.
"Yea sorry hunk, I'm comin I'm comin. I accidentally fell asleep."
I grab one of my tighter pairs of blue jeans off the hanger and pull them on over my newly formed erection.. god damnit keith..
"Sounds just like you lance. Just hurry up."
"Okay okay I'll be there as fast as I can."
I hang up and toss the phone on my bed, frantically searching for a shirt to wear.
Today Pidge's parents were out of town and she decided to throw a huge party to celebrate the end of the school year.
Of course I really wasn't in the mood to go at first because I just moved here and I really don't know anyone, but hunk said that cute emo kid would be there and I sure as hell couldnt miss out on that.
I quickly pulled on a white button up shirt with fore-arm length sleeves and tucked it into my jeans before sliding on a pair of shoes and running out the door.
It was already 6:57 and the party started at 6:30 so I was late...
I'm still kinda fucked up about that dream I had...
Me and keith we're sitting in pidges dads bed ... doing stuff.
I've known i like since I first moved here but damn that's the first time something like that's ever happens to me...
Is it bad that I really liked it?
I run up to the front door and it's open wide with Golden Christmas lights strung up from the top of the doorway and into the house.
The first face I'm met with is hunks and he seems upset with me.
"Damn lance you've known about this for a week how could you have forgotten?"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I took a nap and I guess I forgot to set an alarm."
I say putting my hands up in defense.
I look around the room and spot keith , sitting on the sofa by the window alone.
"Welp see ya later."
I say not really listening to what hunk may have been telling me and head off towards keith.
There's a soft creak as I sit down on the arm of the sofa next to him and I put my arm up around the back of the couch.
"Hey there , how ya doin?"
I ask with a smirk and point little finger guns at him.
"Jeez lance what are you doing?"
He says before pushing my arm away from him.
"Awe cmon don't be a buzzkill just loosen up and have a little fun. What are you doin over here alone anyways?"
I ask with and sit down on the cushions next to him.
"It's too loud in here and I don't need you adding to the chaos going on." He says coldly before walking off.
"Damn that was cold" I mutter before walking off into the crowd to try and find Pidge.

Keith POV

I don't really know where I'm headed but I do know its away from here.
Away from lance.
I walk down a hallway and up some stairs before spotting a door that was slightly open.
I peek in and see a large bed with a light gray comforter in it.
The door creaks as I walk in and I cringe but then I realize that nobody is watching me so I just walk right in and plop on the bed.
Party's just really aren't my thing and I don't see how I let Pidge and Shiro convince me to come here.
I would love to go home so badly but I already know that if Shiro saw me leave he'd come too and I knew he wanted to spend time with Adam so I wasn't gonna ruin that for him.
There's a strange crumpling sounds as I roll over onto the pillows and I reach under them to find a fucking condom package.
How lovely.
I chunk it to the end of the bed and bury my head in the pillows , trying to drown out the sounds of loud music and screaming.
Because of this I didn't seem to hear the creaking of the door as somebody else walked in.
The bed sunk beside me as if someone was sitting down and I jumped just about a foot in the air.
"Woah calm down there I was just trying to see why you were hidin up here." Lance says with his hands in the air.
I calm down slightly before punching him softly in the chest.
"You scared the shit out of me you asshole."
He chuckles softly as I plop back down onto the pillows and stare at the ceiling.
"What are you doing up here anyways? Shouldn't you be downstairs flirting with someone?" I ask sarcastically.
"Ouch that hurt just a little. And like I said , I came up here to check on you. What are you doing up here?"
"I already told you that it was too loud.."
He lays down next to me on his side so he can look at me.
"Why are you staring at me?" I question, turning on my side to look back at him.
A soft blush tints his cheeks as he stutters through his words, "I-I W-Wasn't!".
"I could literally feel your eyes on me, don't lie to me" i reply , rolling my eyes.
There's a moment of silence...
"You're beautiful keith.".
I flush completely red and try to find my own words
"Wh-What are you t-talking about?!?"
"You're beautiful. Your eyes, your hair, your skin, your lips... beautiful"
"Listen. The flirting isn't gonna work on me so you'd best just head back Down stairs and try that little line on someone else." I state before rolling over so he was looking at my back.
"I don't want to try it on someone else keith. For fucks sake I like you. I like you and only you."
I blush so hard I can feel the burn in my cheeks.
"What are you talking about lance. Don't fuck with me."
"I'm not.." he says before wrapping his arms around me.
I freeze up, not knowing what to do.
"This was awfully random timing.." I state awkwardly.
"Yea but I figured since you and I were in a room alone together then maybe now would be the best time."
"God damn it lance." I turn around and kiss him softly before parting and leaning my forehead against his.
He pushes back in and kisses me again , this one much more rough.
"L-Lance .." I pant as we pull apart.
"Fuck keith.." he pulls me closer and kisses me again , running a hand through my hair.
I climb on top of him and bite at his bottom lip, asking for access.
Much to my surprise he pushes his own tongue into my mouth..
I whimper softly and lance pulls away and smirks at me.
"That was hot." He states bluntly.
"Shut up and kiss me."
He sits up and grabs my hips, pulling me as close as I can get before kissing me roughly yet again.
I can feel his erection poking me through my jeans and I grind softly against him.
He pulls back and starts to tug at my shirt, pulling it off before resuming the heated makeout session.
As we continue to kiss , I slowly work my way down the buttons of his shirt.
I let out a soft moan as lance squeezes my ass and I jump.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I plunge back into the kiss and grind my newly forming erection harder against his.
"Oh damn it lance I need you~"
"Fuck keith.."
He bucks his hips and I whimper as he buries his face in my neck, licking and sucking.
"Shit lance... someone's gonna see that." I pant and bite my lip to hold back a moan.
"Let them." He groans softly in my ear before nibbling on the lobe.
"Mmn~" I moan as he licks over all of the marks he made and bites down.
Just then someone busts through the door and we jump apart.
I look over at the doorway and see Shiro and Adam heatedly making out against the door.
"Shiro?" I question and the two boys jump apart.
"U-Uh what're y-you d-doing here keith?!" He asks , turning a deep shade of red.
" I could ask you the same."
Silence ....
"How bout we both just pretend this never happened...?"
"Sounds good to me." I say before jumping back on top of lance.
Adam and Shiro head out and into another room as me and lance continue our heated session.
"Hey keith~"
"Yes lance?"
"How bout we head back to my house and continue this there"
"Sounds fantastic"
He jumps out of the bed and tosses me my shirt before buttoning his back up. Afterwards He picks me up and carries me out the door and all the way out of the house.

Lol sorry this was short and terribly written but I'm writing a bunch of chapters tonight and all my ideas are just racing around and I can't seem to put them into words correctly.... well thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed my shitty writing. Until next time my lovelies <3


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