-Chapter 3-

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After the bell goes for the end of school I go find Jace to see what he's doing on Friday I was going to ask him if he wanted to go to the movies but I looked everywhere but no sign of him just then mr Lee-brown, the principle,walked up to me!

"Clary Fairchild " he said in his usual stern voice omg I hate when people say my last name!

"Yes mr Lee-brown" I said

"Would you mind stepping in my office for a minute please" omg what have I done

" yes sir can I quickly tell my mum that I will be a bit later as she is picking me up." I lied

" yes of course"

I quickly texted Izzy to tell her I told her I will go to her house straight after I'm finished .

'Ok see you then' she replied

I opened the while stuffing my phone in my pocket , when I walked in I saw Jace sitting in one of the chairs I was a little creeped out by this. I sat down in the other chair,both chairs were navy blue leather with a black rim,I looked at Jace then at mr Lee-brown. What was going on?

"Clary I asked Jace here if he made any friends and have settled in nicely and he said you was his friend "

"Yes sir we are" I smiled

"I just wanted to say that May you show him around the school "

"Umm" Jace murmed

"Of course" yes I will be spending more time with him

"Jace I will change your time table so it's the same as Clarys"

"Ok sir can I go now" Jace said

"Yes both of you may go I have work to do and Jace collet your new timetable from me as soon as you get into school as I have a meeting if you are not her you will have a detention for being late no go"

After we got out and closed the door,with a bang, I finally asked him!

"Umm Jace before you go"

"Yea "

"Well umm I urm "

"Yes " he was getting impaicent I like that!

"Urm Whatareyoudoingfridaynight?" I asked quickly

"Urm nothing why?" He was shocked for a second than smiled it reminded me of sunshine and rainbows of a town where everyone is happy and rides on unicorns and wears onesies snap out of it clary it was just a smile a cute smile

"I..was..um ..wonderingifyouwouldwanttogotothemoviesofsomthing?"

"Yea cool sounds great I'll give you my number tomorrow bye"

"Ur.. Really ok see you"

I ran outside the school gates and hailed a cab and went straight to Izzy house. I paid the cab driver got out and ran to her blue door.knocked twice and Izzy opened the door.


"Clary yay come in and you can tell me all the juicy gossip but first let me choose you a outfit for tomorrow" izzy sque

"And for Friday "

"What why omg you got him didn't you! Yay!"

I just smiled as she picked out a black mini skirt with a black bow and a red cami and a leather jacket.

"Thanks Izzy I'll see you tomorrow text you all of the gossip ok"

" yes gossip " we both laughed at that.

As I walked out her door I had a weird feeling someone was watching me but I just ignored it.

I called a cab when it came he said.

" hey baby where do ya wanna go ." He was drunk

I hopped out of the cab scared and ran back to Izzy's place!

I knocked loudly five times and she answered.

Izzy I think we should have a sleepover right now." As I walked in to her three story,blue house!

Ok come on lets do each other's nails and order pizza!" She squealed!

"Ok sounds fun" I say as we walk up the stairs

While Izzy gets out all her stuff I sit on her queen sized bed and think about that talk I had with him he was gonna give me his NUMBER just then I screamed a fangirling scream.

Izzy turned around so fast.

"Omg what happened are you hurt?"she asked

"Oh ur no I was just thinking! Good save Clary

"Oh ok"Izzy said confused

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