~Chapter 5~

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Me and Izzy tried on our 7th outfit hers was a lovely snow white floor dress. As for me I was wearing an elagant light blue dress that came up to my thighs. Me and Izzy laughed and laughed all night while doing the cat walk. I enjoyed strutting up and down the cat walk.Before I knew it I was out of breath and ready to go back upstairs.

"Izzy should we stop now?please."

"Ok I need a break,Max what time is it?"

"Umm quarter past ten" he replied

"Really!" I said shocked

"Yeah" Max said

"Come on Izzy let go get changed" I whined

"Ok ok thanks Max"

"Yes thanks" giving Max a fist pump

"Your welcome ladies"he said smiling



Sorry short chapter sorry I haven't been updating lots I have my school work to focus on and sometimes don't have time to update sorry

Will you guys be able to comment if I should carry on or not?

Also vote please

Ok guys


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