Chapter One- The Introduction (1)

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Steve and I were sitting on the hood of his car waiting for school to start. I was attempting to finish up my homework while Steve was rambling on about something.

"Look Steve, unless you are telling me how to solve this chemistry problem I can't really pay much attention to you." I tell him, taking out my frustration on him. How was I able to balance the last equation so easily and now I can't even get past the first step? 

I look up at Steve and see his mouth is open slightly, offended at my comment. "Okay Sky, first off that was rude". He begins, "And second I can't help you because I haven't even started that homework yet". He finishes, sliding off the hood of his car once he sees Nancy approaching us.

Nancy and I's relationship is a little odd. Steve and I have been friends since middle school and we have a history of spending many nights together but that all changed once he started chasing around Nancy. Not that I really minded, we weren't anything serious, but it certainly makes things awkward every once in a while. 

She wasn't a fan of me in the beginning, but we soon bonded over the Demogorgon fiasco. Now I am not a fan of her because I get weird vibes between her and Jonathan. I haven't really voiced my thoughts on the situation because I have no proof, but I certainly am not expecting her to stay around much longer.

"Good morning" I hear Nancy say to both of us before Steve gives her a quick kiss. I simply smile at her and go back to my homework. I was just happy Steve found someone to talk to, so I could finish the last problem of the assignment. "Hey Steve, can you—" before I could finish we all hear tires squealing from a car while they were blasting their music. 

The car I may not know but the song I do 'Rock you like a Hurricane' by Scorpions. Subconsciously I move my foot along to the song, waiting a little impatiently to see who the new student was from California, or at least with a license plate from California. 

I first see a red headed girl get out and go towards the middle school, I become jealous of her hair. I've always wanted red hair but unfortunately, I was born with boring slightly waved blonde hair. The music shuts off and the driver finally gets out of the car. I first see his black boots and jeans, when he stands up I can't help but look him up and down. Wow he is definitely attractive especially compared to the other boys in our small town.

The stares he is receiving in the parking lot only fuels his ego I'm sure, so I just go back to my homework and ignore him not before getting a good look at his nice ass.

I give up on my homework just as I hear the end of Nancy and Steve's conversation. Something about his essay for an application, now it makes sense of what he was rambling on about earlier. "We have that dinner Steve and we can't cancel again" Nancy reminds him. 

He huffs, upset about having to go to whatever dinner they are talking about. "This essay is a piece of crap anyway, I'll just end up working for my dad. Who needs college?" Steve beings to rant.

"Steve, stop worrying. We can work on your essay during study hall together and if we don't finish I'll just do it for you tonight. No need for the dramatics" I offer, hoping to solve the dilemma they are currently having.

Steve smiles at me, his mood improving from just a few seconds ago while Nancy still seems a little upset for whatever reason. "Sky that would be amazing, I need all the help I can get."

 I smile at the both of them. "I'm going to head to class, I'll catch you guys later."

Sky is the limit / Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now