Chapter Eleven - The Concert (3)

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I push those feelings aside and try to pretend everything is normal. I don't want to show how freaked out I am right now.

"You little shit." I say smiling at Dylan before lightly pushing his shoulder. He grabs my hand as I was pulling it away and instead pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, I missed you. How are you?" He asks, his lips close to my ear while we are still hugging. His arms loosely wrapped around my waist, and mine around his neck. I quickly respond 'good' back into his ear before pushing him away, not wanting Billy to feel awkward.

I turn to face Billy again, "Billy this is my friend Dylan. The one who first took me to this place. Dylan this is Billy." I introduce them and I can immediately feel the tension between them.

I don't know why males are always so unwelcoming to each other when they first meet. It's like some unspoken rule to try and show how tough you are. They shake hands and say their hellos.

"How do you know each other?" Dylan asks, pointing between us.

"We go to school together. He just moved from California." I answer, taking a huge gulp of my beer this time. Wanting to get another one before the next band plays so I can forget this moment ever happened.

"Nice man, where from in California?" Dylan asks, being his typical friendly self but I can still feel the tension.

"Hermosa Beach." Billy simply states, reverting to his default of being short and precise to people.

"Man, California has an amazing punk rock scene. It's my dream to live there and be a part of it." Dylan states drinking some of his beer.

"Could you imagine living in Los Angeles? I can't imagine how many live music nights they have there, all the bands you could hear, all that talent that only a small amount of people get to hear just because the band didn't make it big. Sounds like heaven." I add on.

"Plus, the weather. Waking up to a sunny sky every day and going to the beach." Dylan continues.

"I'll grab you another beer Sky." Billy abruptly states before leaving us.

I raise my brows at his attitude. Not understanding his drastic change of mood. Dylan looks to make sure Billy is far enough that he wouldn't be able to hear us before speaking.

"So, what's the deal with you guys? Do I have some competition?" Dylan jokes.

I roll my eyes at him. "I don't know yet. I mean, I obviously find him attractive and we've flirted here and there, but he hasn't tried to make a move on me yet. I feel like he would be the type to like someone and make a move with no fear, you know?" I admit.

Dylan laughs at me. "Sky, do you know how intimidating you are to talk to let alone make a move on?"

I look at him confused. "By your face it's obvious that you don't. Sky listen to me very carefully. You are a beautiful, intelligent, sexy, funny, cool, independent and intimidating woman. You have goals in life, and you won't let anyone prevent you from accomplishing them. You are confident in who you are and that is very scary for other people. Trust me, it took me some time to make a move on you, I didn't think I was good enough."

I look at Dylan surprised at his confession. For once in my life I was left speechless and a little embarrassed. Billy comes back and hands me a new beer. I thank him and take a sip. We all turn our heads when the new band begins to play.

"I'm going to get closer, I'll see you later I'm sure." Dylan tells us. I nod my head yes and he leaves, moving closer to the stage.

"Wanna go for a smoke?" Billy asks me. I shake my head yes and follow him to the side door that leads to an alley that everyone smokes at.

"Your...friend seems nice." Billy says, taking a pause before saying friend. He gets out two cigarettes and holds one out to me.

I look at him skeptically before taking it. "Uh yeah, he's cool." I state, not really knowing what to say.

"Are you guys just friends?" Billy bluntly asks while lighting my cigarette.

"Not that it's any of your business but yes. We are only friends." I state. I'm technically not lying to him. Just withholding information. I study Billy's face. "Oh my gosh. Are you jealous?" I ask him.

He makes eye contact with me before smirking. "I don't get jealous sweetheart."

I'm not sure if he is trying to convince himself or me. I smile not believing a word he says. "Okay Billy whatever you say." I respond sarcastically.

He scoffs at me, not liking my tone I'm sure. I hold back the laugh I want to give and throw my finished cigarette on the ground, using my boot to squish it. "Don't worry Billy, you have no one to worry about." I smirk at him, going back inside before he can respond.  

Sky is the limit / Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now