Chapter Five - Sheet Faced (3)

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On my way back to the house party I see Jonathan getting out of his car. I yell out his name, wanting to walk inside with him.

"Oh uh, hey Sky." He says quickly checking me out before coughing trying to hide the fact of what he was doing. I smile deciding to ignore it, "Hey Jonathan, didn't think you would come. Doesn't seem like your scene." I can see he feels very uncomfortable being here.

"Yeah, I didn't think I would come either, but I wanted to let Will trick or treat by himself. I think he feels suffocated recently." He tells me before opening the door for me. I mutter a quiet thank you as I walk into the house.

"I am sure he understands it's going to take some adjustments given everything that happened." I yell into his ear by grabbing him by the arm to get him to stop walking. "Well you came to the party, so let's party!" I yell again, hoping he can hear me over the music. 

He nods his head and looks around, when his eyes meet Nancy and Steve on the dance floor I can tell he isn't happy. This only confirms my suspicion of them liking each other, well at least Jonathan liking Nancy. 

I was just about to ask Jonathan to dance when I see that he has moved his eyes to the kitchen. I look and see Steve is rushing over to Nancy to stop her from drinking anything else, before I arrive to help she spills the entire drink on her white shirt.

"Nance" Steve says following after her to the bathroom. I decided to let them deal with whatever problem they had alone, I didn't want to get in the middle. 

Everyone else goes back to partying and I grab two drinks before heading back to Jonathan. "Here, wasn't sure if you wanted a drink so I grabbed you one just in case." He takes the drink and takes a sip before coughing slightly from the alcohol. "Careful, it's pretty strong" I laugh.

I see Billy enter the house again. He walks behind me and cheekily brushes his hand against my exposed back. We make eye contact and he smirks before walking outside. I smile and shake my head, turning back to look at Jonathan. If he witnessed that interact, he chooses not to say anything about it.

Right as Jonathan was about to say something, we both watch Steve storm out of the bathroom and into the backyard while muttering under his breath.

"I am going to see what's going on. Maybe you should go check on Nancy?" I offer, wanting to make sure Steve is okay. I squeeze Jonathan's shoulder on my way outside.

"Steve, hey wait up!" I yell, trying to run but the heels I am wearing are making it a little difficult in the grass. "Steve, seriously wait!" I yell again and see him stop and sit in the grass away from everyone else. I finally reach him and sit down on his left side. I put my arms around him, not knowing what else to do.

He sniffles and wipes his nose before speaking, "She called us bullshit, Sky. Can you believe it?" He asks voice breaking a little. "Bullshit. Our entire relationship bullshit. That we were pretending to be in love." He sighs, and I feel my eyes begin to water, empathizing with Steve. 

"Not for one second did I ever pretend to be in love. Now I can't help but wonder how long she has been pretending to be in love with me? Days? Weeks? Months? God, I am so stupid. It's been Jonathan this whole time, and I was too blind to see it. Did everyone else see this but me?" He asks getting louder with every word.

"Steve, I am so sorry" I begin, "I can't imagine what you are feeling right now." I tell him honestly, not really knowing what to say or how to respond, I wipe a tear from my face before wiping the ones that have fallen down his.

"Wait a second, why are you crying?" He asks, noticing the tear I wiped from my own eye.

"Because you are, I hate seeing you upset Steve. You don't deserve this, any of this. And that isn't bullshit okay. You are a great guy and if Nancy can't see that, I'm sorry. I know you loved her but sometimes it doesn't always work out the way you want it to." I tell him honestly. He stares into my eyes before speaking again.

"Wasn't I just warning you about being careful with Billy and now here we are with you taking care of me? How the turn tables." Steve says, and I begin to crack up with laughter. "Why are you laughing? I'm vulnerable right now!" Steve exclaims at me.

"The saying is how the tables have turned Harrington, not how the turn tables" I attempt to explain through my laughter. 

Steve's face turns a little red from his embarrassment and he begins to laugh with me. "I don't know what I would do without you Sky" he admits.

"Well you will never need to worry about that since you are stuck with me forever. Now let's get out of here, I'm sick of this party." I tell standing up and holding out my hands to help him up.

"Yeah, I think I've had enough of Halloween for the night."

Before we left, Steve made sure he asked Jonathan to take Nancy home. The rest of the night consisted of us watching scary movies which of course included Steve screaming like a girl when he was scared and refusing to share any of the popcorn.

Sky is the limit / Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now