Jtk x reader (You dont show up

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Authors note: this is the version where you don't show up to the house, I will make one where you do so don't complain in the comments
This one isn't a lemon but more of a fluff, I hope you enjoy either way.
Warning language , you have been warned

The next morning you woke up and remembered yesterday's occurrences. You couldn't decipher rather or not you would meet up with the boy. Part of you wanted to go but you feared that he might kill you. But at the same time the back of your mind said you wanted him. But you shook this thought off considering you were probably just horny and that you really didn't want this.
  You got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. Throughout the whole day you were wondering if you should go or not but decided not to as more bad things could happen if you went then if you didn't go.
That night

You had taken your shower you walked out but your body was dripping wet. Bang. You slipped on the water out your feet and hit your head on the counter . You looked up and saw white and black and a little red looking down at you. You couldn't make out what it was though , everything was so blurry. You reached your hand to your head and felt a warm substance trickling down . 'Shit' you thought before everything went black.

One hour later

You woke up and were in your bath robe. You were laid on your bed with your head on the pillow. You felt strong arms wrapped around your body, your flipped over and saw the teen from the day before. He was asleep and his face was buried into the nape of your neck. You reached for your head and realized it had been bandaged, 'he's kinda cute' you thought looking at his sleeping form.
He was wearing your night mask which sat next to your bed. You lifted it up a little and peeked under but when you saw his eyes were open you almost fainted . You waved your hand in front of his face . No reaction. Jeff snored and you fell off your bed freaked out and hit your funny bone.
"Fuck" you yelled . Jeff shot up and looked down and fell back on the bed laughing realizing what had happened .
"Oh jeez your so adorable . You know I thought that I was going to come here and kill you but I changed my mind. You hit your head pretty hard last night. Also no eyelids" he said summing most everything up.
You climbed back up onto the bed "what made you change your mind ?" You asked him.

He thought for a moment a little bit of happiness and sadness on his face as if that is possible "I was coming here to kill you since you didn't show but then you hit your head and my plans changed. Well I've been in my own for a while now. All I have is my clothes and my knife, I kinda wanted something that could be mine" he smiled hugely thanks to his cuts you blushed a little before he continued "most of the time I'd do a fuck and run , and that's the last I see of them. But since I was seeing you twice , why the hell not." He finished and belly flopped into the bed his bold eyes staring into your quiet ones.
You thought for a moment before replying "you want me to be yours?" You asked your fave turning red . He smiled and nodded.
"Besides you know how to use a knife so your not completely helpless . You can be my little badass partner" he said liking the sound of it better out loud .
"So what do you say hun" he said . You thought for a moment . You lived alone so no parents to worry about, you were single. You had no idea if you'd be getting yourself into a mess but you thought it would be worth the shot .
You flipped him over on his back and hugged him breathing in his scent .The sweet scent of blood that at this moment you had no idea you'd be smelling and loving and living with for the rest of your life. The scent that would define you and make you happy. The scent that could give you kids if you wanted them. The scent of you world.

783 words

Creepypasta x reader lemon/fluffWhere stories live. Discover now