Lexi x Jeff the killer fluff

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@alonewolfgirl7 was the winner of a quick raffle. Character belongs to them.

Warning: language and very light sexual content, and drug usage

Lexi's long brown hair drifted over her bright hazel eyes. She sat on the roots of a tree hardly bothered by the ants that crawled her skin. Her pale skin shone in the moonlight, a peaceful sign to the young girl. She sometimes let her anger to get the best of her and she would sneak out at night and come here. A small lake sat in front of her, it's shining deep waters lapping the shore softly. Nothing made a sound except for a few birds and the chirping of crickets. She sighed standing up remembering her past and pulled a cigarette from out of her pocket. She held her hand in front of it as to not let the flames go out by the wind. She stood for a minute , strong puffs of smoke retreating from her lips. In dismay she sat back down only to be met by the warm body of another. Her brown eyes caught on the figure behind her and she smiled softly. She threw the cigarette in the water and faced the uninvited guest.
         She leaned her forehead into a white smiling face and reached her arms around his head putting her hands through his hair. He looked at her lovingly but said nothing. His unblinking eyes stared into hers for a moment before she unraveled her hands and sat Indian style picking at the grass. Jeff didn't speak but watched her glowing figure as the moonlight reflected off her leather jacket. Finally Jeff sighed and spoke "Lexi?" His eyes portrayed sorrow. She was still taking her anger of an earlier issue out on the grass and was now stabbing it with Jeff's knife but happened to pause for a moment and listen to his words.
       "You know you're beautiful." She was caught off guard by the words for a moment.
"I'm pretty sure your the beautiful princess here Jeff" she retorted back. Jeff frowned as much as his mouth allowed him. 'Maybe she still doesn't believe what she means to me. Or thought I had been joking' Jeff began accusing himself over her curt statement. He knew she smoked only when she was upset. For the first few moments he showed up she had been loving but reality seemed to have hit her after that.
       Jeff could never understand what her parents must have been like. And no matter if she was ever rude or angry he always tried his best to understand her.
He got up without thinking grabbing her chin and giving her all the love he had in one kiss. She stopped picking grass and smiled for a minute but with tears at the same time. Lexi's body leaned into Jeff's and for a minute he stayed like that before breaking silence.
"You know I'm always here for you. You can talk to me whenever you need it." He said and for the first time that night she truly felt she believed him with all her heart "I love you Lexi" he said with small tears hoping she would understand. She took his hands in hers and looked him straight in the eyes " I love you too Jeff"

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