Pt. 3

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   Instead of cheers filling the room I hear murmurs and whispers. On my right stands Sadie and on my left is a novice. Sadie leans in and asks, "Isn't that girl over there," she points to the acne girl, "the one several clubs have complained about? They always say she's a drama llama..." I stare in disbelief as she looks around the clubhouse curiously. I scowl and look back at Paige. Her arms are folded, and an unpleasant expression grows on her face. I manage to squeeze through the crowd and reach her.

"Did you know she was going to be here?" I whisper to her so nobody else hears. She shakes her head slightly and keeps her eyes glued to the girl. The crowd is stiff; unmoving, but parts a little to let the group go through. They fill the seats at the front table and everyone files in after them. I cross my arms and mimic Paige's body language. I'm not happy either.

After everyone has sat down and the crowd is lulled to a soft hush, a stable girl brings me a chair and I nod to her appreciatively. I sit down and interlock my fingers while examining the crowd, as they exchange skeptical glances.

Finally, Paige calls to order. The group of people surrounding the store girl erupt in laughter. Just coming here, she has already started a fuss. All around there is a chorus of '"SHH!"s. Finally, the group settles down after some pokes and prods. Then everyone looks in Paige's direction.

Her face is frustrated as she scans the crowd. She finally relaxes, sits down, and she picks up a paper from her desk. Taking in a deep breath, Paige starts to list off the names of the people who just joined.

"I'll start and read the names in alphabetical order. First, Abigail Clouddragon, then Carolina Ashbeach, Claire Clovernight..." It seems like forever. Paige reads the list and it goes on, and on, and on... and I start to doze off.

I feel a slight tap on my shoulder and I jerk awake to see Gold giggling at me on the other side of Paige. She starts to laugh a bit too hard, and almost topples over in her chair. I sit up hastily and notice everyone is staring at me.

My eyes and vision are still hazy, but they regain focus. Paige looks at me expectantly. I clear my throat and urge her to keep reading and she finally glances back at the list. I can tell she saved this name for last, "Allison Appledragon will also be joining the club today." The crowd goes silent. So silent, in fact, you could hear a pin drop. People start to look at each other, then in Allison's direction. Paige takes in a deep breath and sets the paper down gently. She leans back in her chair and folds her arms. Paige is exasperated, I can tell. I lick my lips and taste the food left over from the buffet. Gold is staring at the mounds of food, while Sadie, another club leader, stares at her phone screen.

The table the club owner and leaders sit at is on a raised platform so it tends to give off an effect that we are the people in charge. I sit up straighter and clear my throat again, using this height to my advantage. I stand up, brushing off my lap. I start to speak.

"I know that Allison may be a drama llama to some clubs," Some people in the crowd giggle,

"But we must put that behind us." I look at her with a stern face. She raises her eyebrows at me and I think of the store meeting yesterday. I quickly let go of the thought. I smile at the crowd and dismiss them. Everyone gets up to leave and it makes a giant hoard of heads. I can easily single out Allison in the crowd, and Paige gets up as well as the rest of the leaders' table. Unsurprisingly, Gold rushes over to the buffet and grabs a few plastic plates.

I walk out the door looking over my shoulder as she stuffs her face with food.

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