Pt. 7

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I am very hesitant to touch anything. Paige is breathing, but it's very shallow. She is holding her side which is leaking with blood. I fight back the urge to scream, cry, vomit...

I assess the situation. Paige is lying here, and I don't want to leave her alone for any longer. Gold is out looking for Paige and doesn't know we're here. The storm is getting worse and it is getting cold very fast. The only help is at Jorvik Stables, and I could send Jade, but...

Paige starts to shiver. I get up and walk over to my saddle bag, taking out a thin jacket I brought with me. I go back and gently lay it on her. She flinches slightly.

"Jade, you have to get help. You have to try. Okay?" My voice breaks when I ask her. It almost looks like she nods and I send her off. She gallops faster than I've seen her run before. I sit back with Paige and try to keep her warm. Pearl lies with us, keeping close and watching for anyone. I hear wolves howling in the distance. Somehow, sometime, I drift off.

I wake up and am glad to see that we are mostly dry. Paige's bleeding has slowed, thank Aideen. I don't know how long I've been asleep. Jade isn't back yet, so I must have slept for too long. I see Pearl pacing out of the corner of my eye. I get up slowly.

"Pearl, girl, you have to calm down. Paige will be okay, but you can't tire yourself out." I rub her forehead, using a calming trick, and she eases. "Come and lay down with her." She walks over and I notice, after all this time, a slight limp. The injuries keep showing up.

After Pearl has laid down, I walk over to the opening in the trees. The mud reveals deep hoofprints leading out to the open fields. Streams of water weave through the grass and flow downhill. The trees sway heavily in the wind, leaves rustling as branches dip. I take in the scenery, though it may be dramatic. Lightning flashes in the distance followed closely by a thunderous roar. I feel my heartbeat slow to a steady pace again. My hands stop shaking. I am okay. It will all be okay.

Just as I turn back around, I hear what sounds like a herd of horses. Pearl jumps up and starts to whinny, her ears pulled back and her teeth bared. A smile forms on my face and I start to wave my arms hysterically. I see Jade round a boulder and I'm giddy until I see who follows her. Ydris?

I let my arms fall to my side as Jade and Ydris get closer. Pearl walks up behind me and sticks her head out. Jade touches noses with her. Ydris is riding Zee, and with some difficulty. His hands are misplaced and his feet lay too far back on Zee's stomach. They both stumble over.

Ydris locks eyes with me. I see him look past me and I see his reaction to Paige.
He lifts a brow.

"Margaret! Why, is that you? I feel as though I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?" I give him an annoyed glare. I step aside and let him see Paige again.

"I'm fine, besides the fact that my friend is bleeding to death!" He snickers creepily.

"She seems fine to me." When he stands in the rain, his coat shines. His sneer could haunt the land for ages. The hands twitch, ready to explode with magic at any second. Zee stares at the grass hungrily. I roll my eyes and retreat back into the small grove.

I hear a smack as something heavy hits the dense mud. The two trudge through, as Jade trails closely. There's not much room once everyone is inside the shelter of trees.

"Well... are you gonna help her?" I ask, wondering, almost scared of his response. He rubs his chin, thoughtful.

"I would... but for something in exchange." He smiles again. It sends a shiver down my spine. I look between Paige and Ydris hastily, and he senses my nerves. "I just need a little help. Nothing big." He says. He shrugs his shoulders. His coat squeaks and it sounds like he's wearing a raincoat.

I nod my head slowly. He nods back as we make a silent agreement between the two of us.

"I'm going to find Gold... she's a friend. We split up and I have to find her." Jade stands just near the opening and I head over. When I pass Ydris, however, he grabs my arm with such force that I almost fall over.

He snarls in my ear. "Don't cross me. If you do, I'll make you pay." I jerk back and I feel the ghost if his right grasp on my arm. I rub it to ease the throbbing that has taken place. Jade glares at Ydris' back as he walks towards Paige. I hope to Aideen that she is in safe hands. For now, I have to rely on Pearl to protect our friend. Should I really be intimidated by him? I could always go to Alex, Linda, or Lisa... but I won't. I can stand up for myself.

With a newfound determination, I ride out in search of my beloved friend, Gold.

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