Lost Without You

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A/N - Thank you so much for all the votes and comments, I can't believe this is nearly at 1,000 reads! I got the inspiration for this part from an amazing edit I saw on Instagram to this song (sorry I haven't been able to find it again to link!) But I would suggest listening to the song first before reading if you don't already know it. 

Dianne's POV

29 MAY 2019- Travelling to Leeds

We are now nearly at the end of the professional's tour, and what a whirlwind it has been, touring up and down the country, performing for fans of the show. However, there is one thing that's been missing ... Joe. After spending months training together, then touring together, it has been a bit of a shock not seeing each other practically 24/7. Before this, I was on the road with Amy and Chloe on our Here Come The Girls tour which I'm so excited to get back to, however, this has meant we have hardly spent any time together since the Strictly Live tour. In the beginning, he came to as many shows as he could, but as we have moved further away from London, its harder for him to get to shows and with his now hectic work schedule after Strictly, he hasn't been able to travel with us as much as we would like. In fact, the last time I saw him was my birthday when he came to the show the night before, and we had a magical day off. Since then I've either been too far away on our days off, or he hasn't been able to travel to make it in time for the show before we have to move on to the next place.

He was meant to come to Cardiff a couple of days ago, as we had an extra day off before we had to be in Liverpool last night, but he phoned me last minute saying an urgent meeting had come up and he wouldn't be able to come after all. I was so disappointed but all my amazing friends on the show were so good at cheering me up and keeping me busy so I wouldn't think about him not being there. Which worked, until I climbed into bed that evening and noticed the cold, empty side where he should have been. Before I could let myself get too upset, I phoned him to see if he was still up and we ended up talking until the small hours of the morning. It's fair to say a few tears were shed from both of us! I won't see him now until the tour is finished and then I only have a week or so until I'm back on the road again.

At the moment, I am on the coach travelling from Liverpool to Leeds, where we are performing tonight. We are almost at the hotel when I get a text from Joe. I open it up and it just reads 'I am' with a link to a youtube video, intrigued, I plug in my headphones and open it up. Almost immediately the melodic piano and angelic voice play out, immersing me in the song. Mesmerised I watch as the lyrics appear on the screen.

To love someone so much

To have no control

You said, "I wanna see the world"

And I said, "Go"

I begin to feel emotional as the beautiful song plays, knowing that Joe had listened to it and thought of me. However, it wasn't until the chorus that I really felt it. It's easy to think when you are so far apart that you are alone, and maybe you built this up to be more than what it is, maybe he doesn't miss you as much, maybe the distance will prove to be too much like it has done in my past relationships. But somehow, just knowing that he was feeling the same way I was, that I wasn't alone in this, was almost reassuring. 

But I think I'm lost without you

I just feel crushed without you

I've been strong for so long

That I never thought how much I needed you

I think I'm lost without you

A tear slips down my face, another one not far behind. I close my eyes and lean my head back onto the seat, thinking of all the memories we share together: the first time we met, laughing until we cried in training, our first kiss, the whole whirlwind that was Blackpool, when he told me he loved me, getting through to the final, staying in the treehouse after all the craziness, being reunited when I came back from Australia and celebrating New Year's Eve, winning for the first time on tour, and celebrating my birthday,  with so many more moments in between. I hadn't realised how lost in thought I'd been until Oti leans over the seat telling me we've arrived at the hotel. I look around and everyone has started to get up and gather their things, Oti notices me wiping away the tears and asks me what's wrong, 'I just really miss him' I replied knowing she would understand what I meant. 

We left the coach and made our way into the hotel, stopping to check in and get our room keys. As I approached the desk and gave my name, the man at reception says "oh I'm afraid you have already been checked in, so you can go straight up to your room" "what" I almost shout gaining the attention of everyone else. "How can I be checked in already?" I say looking around in confusion. "The man you are sharing with has already checked into your room and has your keys" he replied pointing over to a dark corner of the lobby and moving onto the next person. 

Fear overtakes as I squint to see who is lurking in the shadows, that is until a familiar face steps forward. I scream, drop my bags, and run at him full speed, flinging myself into his arms as I am enveloped by his strong embrace. "What are you doing here?" I whisper. He pulls back and looks down at me for a moment before saying "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to Cardiff, but how would you like it if I could stay with you for the rest of the tour?" "Are you serious?" I reply in amazement shaking my head as if to make sure this isn't all an elaborate dream. "I managed to move some things around, so if you want me, I'm here" he shyly reveals  "Of course I want you, my love, I've missed you so much" I exclaim. As he pulls me back into his arms he whispers "I really am lost without you." 

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