Tour Rehearsal Day 1

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It's mid-morning on the first day of tour rehearsals and all the pros and celebrities are gathered in a large hall to learn the new choreography for the opening and closing dances. Early this morning the pro's had been given the run through and taught the steps before the celebs turned up at their later start time so they could more effectively help and teach them. The morning had gone fairly smoothly with most of the celebs starting to pick up bits of choreography here and there, as well as getting to grips with the layout and staging. However, after lunch, things have started to go downhill for everyone as tiredness has kicked in and tensions start to rise. Joe, in particular, was struggling to retain the steps and even remember how to do simple moves he had learned in his time on the show, but with Dianne by his side, he was slowly getting through it. That is until the pros were given an extra break as they had been there all day. Joe now found himself without Dianne there to help, and frustration was starting to kick in. Everything was becoming more and more difficult and he just couldn't work out why nothing was sticking in his mind.

Dianne, sitting in the hallway, could see the signs of frustration showing on his face, as, after 4 months of training, it was a look she was well used to by now. After changing positions to practice a later section of the routine, Joe was now close to the door, and she raced over to film his adorable attempt to dance on his own, although quite what he was doing - or trying to do - she wasn't sure! As she made her way back to her seat, the other pro's were awe-ing and cooing at her about how cute they were and how happy she looked. Blushing, she looked down, her face going almost the same shade of red as her hair. It was no secret that they were together, with their cozy social media posts kind of giving the game away there, but at the studio they had always tried to be professional with minimal displays of affection just quick hugs and holding hands so it was unusual for the cast to see her like this and she was slightly embarrassed.

She quickly sat down with the other girls and got into a conversation about their costumes and make up for tour, until a frustrated shout came from the other room and all heads whipped over to the window, just in time to see Joe stumble over his feet and then throw his head back, raking his hands through his hair, tears of frustration welling in his eyes. They watched as he walked over to the other side of the hall and slumped down the wall, coming to a rest on the floor with his knees tucked up to his chest and his heads in his hands.

Concerned, Dianne quickly got up and crept into the room making sure not to let the door bang. She walked around the room and came to a stop next to Joe. She knew he was aware she was there, but he didn't look up or even acknowledge her presence in any way. She slowly sunk down and sat next to him mirroring his position and providing a reassuring presence. After a short moment of silence, Dianne turns to Joe and says: "Are you ok?" Joe let out a frustrated sigh and mumbled "No, I just can't get anything and you're not here to help me, and nothing is sticking" turning to meet her gaze. She gives him a small smile, pulling him into her side for a cuddle. Unaware of the other pros taking photos of the sweet moment, Dianne holds him tight until she can feel his breathing even out and the tension in his shoulders melt away. She looks at him again and says "You can do this Joe, I believe in you and I'm always here to help you. We've got plenty of time to learn these routines so don't panic." With that, she jumps up and holds her hand out to him helping to pull him up to standing. "Right let's do this ... do you want me to stay in here and help you?" she asked "No I'm ok" he replies "You deserve a break, you've been working all day" She pecks him on the cheek saying "I'll be back before you know it" before quietly leaving the room. She hovers in the doorway for a couple of minutes watching him get back to training before turning back to the other pros confident he'll get there in the end ... he always does.

A/N: I was inspired to write this short one shot by Dianne and AJ's Instagram stories and thought it would make a cute idea. I am hoping to do more of these so I'd love your feedback. And let me know if you have any prompts - if inspiration strikes, I'll give it a go!

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