Distance Part 2

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Joe's POV

As Dianne hangs up, I sink into the bar stool and throw my phone onto the counter, resting my head in my hands. I can't believe that just happened. I know that we were both frustrated and caught up in the moment but a part of me can't help but wonder whether she actually meant some of the things that she said and I'm not sure if we can come back from this. But even after everything that happened, the thought that technically we aren't together anymore actually makes my chest ache.

Picturing Dianne all alone in a hotel room, feeling even half as bad as I feel right now concerns me so I decide to message Amy, knowing she'll be close by and willing to help her best friend.

J: Amy, Please can you go and check that Dianne is ok.

A: Sure. I heard the arguing from next door, and I know its not really my place to say - and what she said was wrong but it was just a heat of the moment thing. Don't take what she said to heart and please don't just leave things this way, for both of your sakes.

J: Thank you Amy x

I can't settle for the rest of the evening as every little thing seems to remind me of Di, from the breakfast bar where we dyed my hair, to the sofa where we would spend every evening cuddled up watching Netflix. It's just all too painful so I decide to just go to bed. Which seems like a great idea, until I actually get under the covers and realise that her pillow still smells like her and a wave of loss washes over me. I lie awake staring at the ceiling for hours.


This morning I have woken up with a new determination. Last nights argument was silly and we both said things we didn't mean - taking out our frustrations with the situation on each other rather than using it to bring us closer. And although a small, insecure part of me still thinks that maybe she really meant some of the things she said, the bigger part knows that we really do love each other and we'd be stupid and immature to end things over a silly argument. The difficult part is finding a way to speak to her. My schedule won't allow me time to go and see her face to face, so I need to try and call her but I have a feeling that she will just ignore my calls so I wrack my brains for a way of getting through to her.

Inspirations strikes and I get online and order a bunch of flowers to be sent to her dressing room tonight with a card that says 'Di, Good luck for today's show. I am going to phone at the usual time, and I hope we can talk about what happened. I love you and I miss you. Always yours Joe x'

Crossing my fingers I just have to wait until this evening now. Luckily I have plenty of work to keep my mind occupied.


10.30 rolls around and I'm sat right on the edge of the sofa, nervously biting my lip as the sound of ringing echoes in my ear. It rings and rings and rings and I'm about to give up and admit defeat when the ringing stops. A long stretch of silence follows in which I have to check that I'm still connected before I hear "Joe" in a wobbly voice.


"I'm so sorry" we both blurt out at the same time.

"Dianne I really am sorry" I repeat "I've been so busy that we haven't spoken to each other as much, which was just frustrating and I took that out on you so I'm really sorry"

"No, Joe" she sighs, "you shouldn't have to say sorry, I said some truly nasty, untrue things that I regret and said because I was upset, and I know that's no excuse, but I'm really am sorry and hope you can forgive me"

"Of course I forgive you, we're stronger than this right, surely some stupid argument can't break us apart after everything we've been through?"

"Oh I miss you so much, Joe"

"I miss you more, I just wish that I could find more time to see you but everything is just crazy at the moment. But you only have a week or so left on tour and then I get you all to myself again"

"Don't blame yourself Joe, its equally my fault, as much as I don't want to admit it is! And I'm stressing because before long I'll be back on Strictly, and we'll just have to go through this all over again" she grumbles.

"Look let's just focus on the moment, and we'll get to that when it comes. Hopefully, your partner will be based in London and if not then we'll just deal with it" "Anyway" I continue "Your partner probably won't be as amazing as your last one, so you might only be in it for a few weeks"

"Heyyyy" she says as we both chuckle, before falling into a comfortable silence

After a while, I say "I'll let you get to bed, you must be exhausted. I know I am"

"Goodnight Joe, thank you for being the sweetest, kindest, most understanding man. I love you and I can't wait to see you again"

"I love you too baby, sweet dreams" 

Joe and Dianne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now