Too Late to Apologise Part 2

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Dianne's POV

It's late and I should be asleep by now, resting for tomorrows rehearsal - my celebrity partner isn't picking up the routine and technique very quickly - so I need all the patience I can possibly get. But ever since Joe left around 45 minutes ago now, I can't sleep. The whole argument was unsettling in the first place and my anger kept me awake, however as time's passed an uneasy feeling has started to form in the pit of my stomach, something just doesn't feel right. I know he went to let off some steam and avoid the arguing, but I would have thought he'd be home by now or at least text to let me know where he was. I try to call but there is no answer, so I send a quick message to see where he is and close my eyes, trying to rest - hoping that way, a reply will come quicker.

10 minutes later and I still haven't heard anything. I try to call again, still nothing. I know he was angry with me, but this is so unlike Joe, usually, he would have at least replied so I don't worry too much. The only place I think he could be is at Caspar's, so I go to pick up my phone and call Caspar but just as I do so, my phone rings. Hope soars in my chest until I look at the screen and realise it's a private number. Fear seeps through me and chills run over my skin ... who could possibly be calling at this time of night? I sit up, alert as I answer the phone. "Hello"

"Hello there, I'm looking for a Dianne Buswell?"

"Who's calling?"

"This is Stephanie from St Thomas' Hospital, a Mr. Joseph Sugg had you listed as his emergency contact in his phone"

"Oh my god, what's happened? Is he ok?"

"Unfortunately Mr. Sugg has been involved in an accident, I think it is probably best if you could come down to the hospital and we can then explain everything in more detail" After taking the details from the nurse on the phone, I hang up and shakily phone Zoe.

"Hey, Di, why are you calling so late?" she answers sleepily. "Its J-Joe" I stutter "I've just had a call from the hospital ... he's been in an accident" I say as I rush around the room pulling out clothes to put on.

"Oh my god, is he ok?"

"I don't know, they won't tell me anything! All they said was to go up to ICU so that can't be good Zo" I reply, hearing Alfie in the background worriedly asking Zoe what was going on. "I'm going over to the hospital now, do you want me to call you when I have more information?"

"Oh god, no no we'll come straight up. Where is he?"

"I've been told to go to ICU unit 2 in the Orange Zone at St Thomas's Hospital"

"Ok, Ok ... We'll be there in about an hour and a half. If you need me at all or have any updates, just call. Alfie is driving so I can answer. Take care, see you soon Di"


I arrive at the ICU Unit and press the buzzer on the door to be let in. When a nurse appears at the door I say "I'm Dianne Buswell, I had a call about Joseph Sugg"

"Ah yes, Miss Buswell, right this way. I'll take you through to the family room and get a doctor to come in and speak to you shortly" she says as we walk through the ward, past patients on ventilators and all sorts of monitoring machines, the noise of which is overwhelming.

She ushers me into the room, a waiting room of sorts with comfortable chairs and magazines, and I am left alone with just the faint buzz of the machines whirring outside. Not long after, a man enters the room "Miss Buswell?" He asks as I lift my head "I'm Doctor Green, I've been looking after Joseph in A+E."

"Is he ok" I eagerly ask.

"Unfortunately Mr. Sugg was brought into us with some serious injuries due to a head-on collision with another driver, who we suspect to have been under the influence. At the moment Mr. Sugg is in surgery to stop the internal bleeding, and fix a broken leg. He has also sustained some minor injuries such as fractured ribs, bruising, and some small lacerations on his upper body from the broken glass. However, we are as of yet, unaware of any possible brain injury that may have occurred in an accident like this. I know this is a lot to take in, do you have any questions for me?"

I shake my head, feeling numb and unable to fully absorb the information that has been given.

"Ok, he may be in surgery for a couple more hours, but if you do think of anything just speak to one of the nurses and they will be able to contact me."

As he walks out of the room, I put my head in my hands and try to understand what happened and be strong at the same time.

A short time later, I hear the door creak open and a comforting arm wraps around my shoulder. I raise my head and take one look at Zoe's concerned face before I burst into tears, clinging onto her and sobbing into her shoulder. 

After somewhat collecting myself, I sit up and say "I-i-its all my fault-t-t!" trying not to let the tears flow again.

"It's not Di, why would it be your fault" Zoe reassured

"It is, we had a huge fight and then he stormed out of the flat. I should have stopped him from going. We shouldn't have even been arguing in the first place!"

"Look, it's not your fault Dianne. The doctor told us what happened before we came in here. OK yes, you were arguing, but did you make Joe leave and get in the car ... no. He got hit by a drunk driver Di, that could have happened at any time even if you weren't fighting." She reassures

"But I didn't even get a chance to say sorry. Oh god, what if I never get a chance to say sorry. That will be the last conversation we ever had!" I sob.

"Dianne, what do you always say 'positive leads to positive' so think positive for Joe, he's strong, he's a fighter. He'll get through this." Alfie interjects.

"Ok ... Ok" I say shakily, wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath.

The three of us sit in heavy silence for almost another hour. Me tucked into Zoe's side and Zoe's head resting on Alfie's shoulder until the door opens and Dr. Green walks back in.

"Miss Sugg, Miss Buswell. Joseph is out of surgery now, which was successful and we managed to stop the internal bleeding. We will need to continue to closely monitor him as at present he is still unconscious due to the general anesthetic. We are not sure how long it will take for him to wake up, however, you are now able to see him if you wish."

We all stand up and follow the doctor back through the ward and to a bay at the far end of the corridor. I gasp as I walk in. His face is deathly white which highlights the bruising and cuts on his face and neck, his leg is in a cast and there are a huge number of wires leading to various machines. I quietly sob as I approach his bed, sitting on the chair next to him and take his hand in mine. I lean over and press a gentle kiss to his forehead and whisper in his ear "I'm so sorry baby, I love you, please be ok, please wake up"  

A/N - Thank you so much for all the support. And yes, there will be a third and final part to this going up in the middle of the week!

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