Special Surprise

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Joe's POV

We are about to get on the bus to drive to Liverpool from Manchester, and I have a big surprise for Dianne. She thinks that we are staying at the Hilton with everyone else, however I have booked us a suite at the Titanic hotel which is one of my favourites. I stay there every time I've been in Liverpool for book tours etc and I'm so excited to finally be able to share it with somebody else, especially as the Titanic is one of Dianne's favourite films and it keeps coming up in conversation. In fact, its almost become a running joke in my vlogs!

The only person that knows about my plan is Stacey, as I know I can trust her with the secret. I mean she knew about Dianne and I for a long time before everyone else, and managed to keep it quiet! But she was also bugging me about what we were going to do on our day off and in being evasive, she detected something was up - it must be those journalist senses of hers, once she's onto something - she's like a dog with a bone. Anyway, she's been really good at helping me put Dianne off the scent and making fake plans with us for our day off. I really didn't want Di to make plans with the others that she couldn't keep. Stace is doing voiceover work so we won't be letting her down, not that Dianne knows that!

I try to be one of the last on to the bus - sending Di on ahead, to remind the driver to stop at our hotel first to keep the surprise, to which he reassures me that he has remembered the plan and our cases are at the front of the luggage compartment so they can just be quickly grabbed so as to not be delaying the others too much. I can imagine that wouldn't go down too well. We are all so tired from the show and just want to get to bed.

As the bus ride isn't very long, we all just chill and talk, no wild bus parties for us today, those are needed to keep us entertained on the longer journeys. So as we chat with everyone else at the back of the bus, I feel a weight on my shoulder and look down to find Dianne's head resting on my shoulder, a tired look in her eyes. "Go to sleep" I urge as I wrap my arm around her and pull her into my side. "I'll wake you up when we are almost there".

Just under an hour later, the bus starts to slow as we arrive in the city and navigate through the heavier traffic. I decide this is the perfect time to wake Dianne so she is alert enough to understand the surprise rather than just getting confused, which she is likely to do if she had just woken up. "Di, babe, its time to wake up, we're nearly there" I say whilst bending down and kissing her forehead. "Ok" she mumbles, snuggling into me further before sitting up and grinning at me saying "I'm really looking forward to our day off together".

"Mmmm, me too" I agree sharing a knowing glance with Stacey, who, I think gives me a quick wink, although I can't be sure too sure in the dim lighting. Just as well really as that would definitely make Dianne suspicious. We pull to a stop and I quickly grab my things and urge Dianne to do the same with hers, before she hears which hotel we've arrived at. Then the driver shouts "Right, We've arrived at the Titanic Hotel, next stop the Hilton" I have a quick look around, smirking at the bus full of confused faces before grabbing Dianne's hand and guiding her out into the aisle.

"Joe what are we doing, we're not staying here"

"Yes, we are"

"No, we are staying at the Hilton"

"No, we're staying here, everyone else is staying at the Hilton"

After a few seconds, a glimmer of realisation flickers on her face before she says "Joeeee, what have you done"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say in a faux innocent voice 

We walk down the bus, with curious eyes following us. Just before we get off Stace shouts "Enjoy your day off love birds" followed by a chorus of cheers and wolf whistles from the rest of the group behind us as we step onto the pavement, grabbing our cases. As the bus pulls away, I glance over at Dianne and although she has a slight blush from all the jeering, there is a big grin spread across her face, reassuring me that I had done the right thing.

Stepping into the lobby, her eyes darting around taking in all the intricate detail from the Titanic artwork on the walls to the exposed brick. I swiftly check us into our room and we make our way up to our Presidential Suite. After unlocking the door, I hold it open for her and await her reaction. She walks in and gasps as she realises how big the room is. Spinning around, she grabs me in a big hug and whispers "I love this, thank you". I hold onto her for a few seconds longer before pulling away and saying "well go on I know you're dying to explore" which gets a big squeal as she rushes off. From the hallway, I can hear her chattering away to herself, and follow her into the lounge area as she is saying 'Oh wow, champagne ... and our own bar, ooooh and a kitchen with a coffee machine" before she rushes into the bedroom. One ... Two ... Three... "Oh my god Joe, they even have sparkling water! ..... Did you do this?" She says right on cue poking her head around the doorway.

"I might have put in a special request"

"And I was just talking about how much I was missing it too"

I am admiring the childlike wonder in her eyes and thinking how lucky I am to have such a beautiful girlfriend, when she says something that cracks me up and yet makes me remember that I'm equally as lucky to have a girl with such a unique but similar personality to me.

"Joe this room is so big we could play hide and seek!" She says with a gasp. 

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