Chapter 2: Ron gets angry (and chokes)

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A/N: ok so I feel like my story is getting better as I progress :) I've written a couple chapters ahead guys it's so good im so excited for you guys to be able to read it  XD

Pleaseeee hold tight and keep reading, tysm  :)


Ron had just apparated into the kitchen.

Hermione and Draco both jumped, and Hermione scolded Ron. "Don't do that!" she chastised. "It's rude!"

Ron, huffing, sat heavily on a chair and shoved pancakes into his mouth. "Sowwy," he said around the food in his mouth, "mum was gewwing on my case about the wegging decowations." Hermione turned to Draco and said, "No manners. None. I've been eating alongside him for nearly 10 years, and this fool always wolfs down his food." Draco looked at Ron and then Hermione without saying anything.

"Right," Hermione said. "Ron, finish chewing, I'd rather you not choke on this information." Ron gulped down his pancake noisily, before turning to face Draco. "Got any juice, mate? These pancakes are somewhat dry." Draco's face burned as he stood quickly to get the pitcher on the counter. When his back was turned, he heard a slap and Ron go "Owww! What was that for?" followed by angry whispering from Hermione. Upon his return to the table, Ron was rubbing his arm. Draco smiled, looking at Hermione, who quirked her mouth up slightly in response.

"Draco," she said. "The pancakes are delicious. Isn't that right, Ron?" Ron, scowling, took a second to respond. "Galloping galleons, they're delicious, I was being mean before, sorry. And I mean it, not just because Hermione slapped me. They're better than Mum's. Oh, don't tell her I said that, I beg of you," he said guiltily. "Now, what is it you needed me for?"  Ron took a swig of orange juice and Hermione inhaled deeply. "Well, I suppose it's better to just say these things quickly to get them over with. Ron... Harry invited Draco to the wedding."

Ron, evidently shocked by this news, spewed orange juice all over the table and began to choke. Draco leaned over and slapped him on the back to help him, but Ron waved him off angrily, coughing. "What?" He choked out, coughing once more. But Hermione was occupied with other things. "Ron! Honestly! Spitting orange juice all over the table? Like some sort of common goblin?!" Ron held up a finger to say: just a moment as his coughing fit continued, wracking his chest. Draco made to pat him on the back again, but Ron shook his head, though his face was now turning purple. Hermione exploded. "Ronald Weasley! Let Draco help you, for crying out loud! Don't be such a... a... argh!" Hermione was too angry to even form an insult as Ron conceded and let Draco slap him on the back. Finally, Ron's coughing fit subsided and Hermione angrily stabbed at her pancake, muttering viciously. "Boys! Such idiots, really. Too prideful to let someone help them when they are choking, honestly!"

When Hermione's rant had ended, she spoke in icy tones. "I thought that it might be a good idea for Draco to visit the Burrow so that Harry and the rest of the family could see him and decide whether or not he should come. Wouldn't you agree, Ron?"

"No," Ron said simply in response. Draco marveled at his foolish bravery. Gryffindors. He would not dare to stand up to Hermione like that, especially with the mood she was in. "Pardon?" Hermione asked, venom dripping from her words. Before Ron could respond and make things worse, Draco jumped in. 

"Hermione, while Harry's invitation is very kind, I don't think it's a good idea. The Malfoys were never nice to the Weasleys, and I certainly wasn't nice to you lot." Ron grunted in agreement and Hermione fixed him with her burning glare. Draco rushed to continue. "It would be odd. I would be so out of place, and it... it would just be so odd, that's all. How would the guests feel? No, better to not go. But please pass my congratulations on to Harry, and tell him how much I appreciate his kindness."

"But that's the thing, Draco! This is your chance to show how the Malfoy family has changed and you and Harry have moved past your differences, and now you're at his wedding!" Hermione protested. Ron let out a strangled laugh. "Moved past their differences? Darling, two years ago on this exact date, Draco was probably bad mouthing us to Crabbe and Goyle!" Draco frowned, even though Ron was probably right. 

Ron continued. "I don't agree with Draco on much but I do agree that he shouldn't come. He's right; the circumstances. Oh, hi, my name is Harry and I'm getting married, I invited the chap who bullied me and my friends to my wedding so that everyone can be on their toes the entire time during this happy event. Thanks for coming!" Ron shook his head, exasperated. "I completely agree," Draco said, motioning towards Ron. "It just doesn't make sense, and it's not fair to anyone. Did anyone even ask Harry about this?"

Just then, Harry apparated into the kitchen.

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