Chapter 18: The Wedding

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A/N: this chapter is literal sh*t and i had been hoping for a stronger ending, but whatever

tbh ive kinda lost intrest in the story, but i might write and publish an epilogue later

i hate this chapter bc its awfully written, super choppy, and just terrible overall

i think ima take a break from writing for right now since im kinda going through something, so i probably wont be on wattpad for a bit

*peace emoji here*


"Draco!" Luna yelled, stressed. Draco rushed over, yanking at his tie. "Coming, darling!" He skidded to a stop in the bathroom, to help Luna with whatever she needed. "Sorry," she said. "I yell when I'm stressed. Can you zip this? I would use magic but I can't see what I'm doing." Draco bent down in order to zip up Luna's beautiful, rose-colored summer dress. He tweaked the bow at the back. "You look lovely darling," he said, pecking her on the cheek as he continued to wrestle with his tie. The spell to knot it wasn't working and he had no choice but to battle it physically. "Come here," Luna said, yanking it. Draco choked, and Luna winced. "Ooh, sorry." She began to work her fingers through the tie, smoothing it before beginning to actually tie it.

"My father broke his arm once," she said softly, and Draco didn't dare breathe for fear of breaking the moment. He knew her father had died at the hands of Death Eaters, and that Luna didn't speak of it to anyone. "He was so upset, he could hardly do anything. He had a meeting with someone, I forget who, and had to wear a tie. It took me forever to figure it out, but I did it. He was always a clumsy man, father, so the skill never left me, just in case I needed it again."

She finished tying the tie and stepped back to admire her handiwork. She cocked her head, clucked, and brushed off his shoulders. "You look wonderful," she said, before kissing him deeply.

When the pair broke apart, a dazed Draco asked, "What was that for?" Luna smiled sheepishly at him, like a nervous schoolgirl. "Because I love you," she said shyly, before running out of the bathroom. Draco smiled. "Oi, I love you too," he shouted after her, grinning wildly, sprinting from the bathroom to chase after her.

He found her standing in the bedroom, watching him with a coy smile at her lips. He grinned and ran right at her, lifting her up as she shouted gleefully. He spun her around and bathed in her laughter, before setting her down and kissing her deeply.

"Come on," she said, playfully pushing him away. "We'll be late!" But Draco didn't care about being on time. He was in love.


When they finally arrived, Draco couldn't help but gasp. The Burrow had been completely transformed. Peach sashes decorated the yard, floating trays of lemonade circled among the crowd, and the guests were mingling at the tall tables. Draco could see the aisle that Harry and Sophia would walk down, the beautiful hills in the background. And Draco couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at seeing the wedding cake he had helped baked on display.

As Luna and Draco linked arms and walked forwards to talk with the guests, Draco completely forgot about the stigma surrounding him. He had covered the Dark Mark with "concealer," as Hermione had called it, one less reminder of his past. He went around, introducing himself, ignoring the strange looks and trying to build connections. Eventually, he left Luna to chat with Neville Longbottom, and wandered inside to see if there was anything he could help.

Inside the kitchen, he found Mrs. Weasley ordering her sons around in order to take plates out, and he passed by Ron, who whispered, "run." Draco snorted, and continued to Mrs. Weasley, cautiously asking her what he could help with.

"Oh good Draco, you're here. Take this," she said, handing him a giant bowl of salad. "Put it on the table. Go go go!" Draco scuttled out of the table, grateful that Mrs. Weasley was not mollycoddling him, but treating him like someone who was capable, like one of her sons.

When Draco came back into the kitchen, he walked into the middle of a strike. The Weasley men had decided that everything had been taken care of and the next order of business was getting Mrs. Weasley, out of the house and outside to mingle.

"Mum," Ron said stubbornly, "it's done. Everything is ready. Get outside." Mrs. Weasley protested weakly as Mr. Weasley began leading her out. "Come on dear, let's go greet the guests."

A reluctant Mrs. Weasley was led outside, and the mingling commenced once more. Draco eventually found Luna again and they sat in the shade, Luna fanning herself with a sunflower-yellow fan.

"Do you know anything about Sophia?" Draco asked casually. "Yeah," Luna said. "She was a Ravenclaw, in our year. She was one of the only people who talked to me, actually. Very sweet, very smart." Draco nodded.

Soon, the wedding guests were invited to find their seats, as the ceremony was about to begin. Draco and Luna sat on the pretty white chairs alongside Hermione and Ron. Hermione was feeling unwell in the sun, and Ron tried desperately to comfort her. Luna fanned Hermione, trying to cool her down. Hermione, who looked nice in her lavender dress, had been fussy all day.

But as Sophia walked down the aisle, everyone quieted down. She looked beautiful in a simple, flowered white dress and some simple jewelry. Harry looked handsome as well, dressed smartly in a suit, and smiling happily.

The ceremony was beautiful, with sincere, tear jerking vows. As the happy couple walked down the aisle to their first dance, Luna squeezed Draco's hand, making his heart flutter. The first dance was adorable, and the entire rest of the evening was pleasant and left the guests with a satisfied feeling.

Once the wedding was over and all the guests had gone, the newlyweds sat in the cozy living room of the burrow with Ron, Hermione, Luna and Draco. They talked for a few hours before everyone retired to their beds, and the new couple left for their honeymoon.

Draco and Luna apparated back to the manor. Luna slipped her hand in Draco's, the other hand holding her shoes, which she had taken off, as her feet were sore. As the opened the front door, Luna slumped sleepily against Draco, who gently picked her up and carried her to the bed, where he set her down gently. He carefully undid her jewelry and covered her with the blanket before he himself got undressed and laid down, sighing heavily.

He reflected on how far he had come in a few months, the new people he had met and how much they had helped him. He had really become a new person, and he had a ton of people to thank for it. As he drifted off to sleep, Luna wrapped her arm around his waist and he kissed the top of her hair. Draco had found peace, at last. He had been redeemed.


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