Chapter 9

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Marina groaned and shook her head to clear her thoughts and tried to focus on the surrounding around her.

Then she remembered what had happened...

As she lowered her bow, shots rang out through the forest, putting her back into attack mode.

Something hit her in the back of the neck, making her cry out in pain.

Her father, and uncle, came over to her, to see what the problem was, when they both jerked as if they had been hit by something that hit her.

Marina wanted to run over to them, but whatever hit her was making her weak until blackness was claiming her.

Before it claimed her fully, she saw feet approaching and the familiar face of Voken, showed into her limited vision, came forward barking orders to bind her hands and to only take her.

Then the darkness claimed her and she remembered nothing after that...

Growling, Marina hated what happened to make her weak enough to be captured.

Laina would not be happy with her for letting her gaurd down and let herself be captured to her enemies.

The anger flooded through her veins turning her warm heart into an icy heart.

She then felt ice on the ropes that bound her and tugged at them to see if her theory was true about the ropes being just plain.

Hearing a clank, Marina sighed and thought that she had failed, when she heard another clank and saw the door, to her box prision with only a light trained on her, open.

A man, that looked to be middle-age 35, came through and shut it behind him.

His features were scarred and marred due to maybe one too many battles, and in his eyes it only held anger.

In the mans hand, was a tube, with a needle at the end, filled with something that Marina could not recognize.

The man smiled an evil smile and said "Well, well, if it isn't E#4579 otherwise known as Marina, and the little trouble maker. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this meeting."

She just glared at him with her pointed chin and said nothing to make him want to jeer at her about her going to beat him up.

His smile faltered and just turned into a frown.

The ropes around her arms were beginning to crack and become fragile to break any minute, proving her theory about the ropes.

They just were too dumb to even think about the kind of powers she had possessed.

Feeling burning on her right cheek, Marina looked up from her jerking position and saw the man raise his hand again to slap her when she narrowed her eyes and, again, they became a pure golden.

He flinched, but before he could do anything else, he was flung back across the room while the tube went into Marina's right leg, making her lose concentration.

The pain was hurting her so much that she broke the fragile ropes and pulled out the needle from her leg and saw that a little bit of the formula, inside the tube, was missing.

It must've leaked into me!!! she thought with horror.

Quickly, without hesitation, Marina undid the ropes at her legs, got up from her chair, went over to the man, that was clumbisly trying to get up, and stopped in front of him only to punch him in the face and shot the needle into the crack made into the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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