Chapter 32: Mommy what's a boner?

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Chapter 32: Mommy what’s a boner?

Unknown POV

I opened the door with the spare key I knew they kept under the mat and made my way inside. In a way, it was their own fault for being so oblivious to the bad out in the world to keep such a small but important object underneath a flimsy door mat. The house was quiet except for the soft snores coming from upstairs. I quietly shut the door behind me and looked around at the surroundings. Everything was modern looking as I remembered it being, nothing has changed. I walk towards the stairs and soundlessly take step by step while eyeing the family photos along the way that were sickly sweet. When my eyes moved over the two sisters together, I felt a smirk twitch at my lips. Shaking my head I continued my way to the rooms. Once I reached my designated destination, I licked my lips, rubbing my palms together and opened the door slowly, carefully, not making any noise that would wake my precious girl.

As I stepped into the room my eyes scanned over the room before they landed on her queen sized bed that had me clenching my jaw. In bed with her was that fucking tool – Archie. How can she betray me like that and sleep with him? Maybe not in that sense considering they both have clothes on by the looks of it, but nevertheless…Anger cursed through me and I swear I was about to burst when I watched Archie’s hand snake around Adrianna’s waist unconsciously, cuddling her closer to his body. That bastard…If I had the choice I would end his life right then and there, but something or more like someone was restraining me all because of that stupid deal I made.

Shaking the murderous thoughts from my head, I focused back on my beauty sleeping peacefully. I walked further into the room so I could get a better look at her and felt a smile twitch at my lips when I took in her slightly pouted lips and closed eyelids. So innocent and pure, just the way I like her.

I pulled out my phone and took a quick photo of her blissful state so I could remember it forever, or at least use it as a coping mechanism for the next couple of days till it’s time for action and I’ll be forever waking up to her. Oh and fùcking her until she’s black and blue. Someone needs to teach her a lesson, and that job goes to me. She’s been a disrespectful little slùt these past couple of weeks and I can’t wait till I get my hands on her-

Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Archie stirred in his sleep and I froze, cursing myself profusely in my head for not getting out sooner. If he sees me, I’m dead. The plan will be a total fùck up because how am I going to explain how I ended up in Adrianna’s room uninvited? That’ll go down smoothly. I watched with wide eyes as he stirred once more but didn’t open his eyes and just snuggled closer to Adrianna.

Thank fùck.

Before leaving, I lowered my face down to my girls and breathed in her scent before leaving a light kiss on her lips.

Things are starting to look up.


Adrianna Winters POV

“There should be a law against having showers without your boyfriend…” Archie’s voice came from behind me and I jumped, startled by his voice. When I turned to look at him with accusing eyes I couldn’t help but blush under his smothering gaze that ran up and down my soapy body.

“…Especially if the said girlfriend is insanely hot,”

I rolled my eyes at his words and moved a little to make room for him in my small shower. It honestly wasn’t made for two people but I guess somehow we made it work. He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I rested my hands on his chest and my eyes immediately searched for the beautiful artwork that seems to draw me to it all the time. I traced over the patterns and smiled up at Archie when I noticed him staring at me with a look of admiration.

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