Chapter 34: Walmart you cheeky bastard

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A/N: Okay so we got to 50 votes yesterday and yaaay (was supposed to update yesterday I know) but I decided to add a little extra to this chapter so yeah #donthateappreciate oh god im just kidding hahaha :')

Oh and omg we're on 74,132 freaking reads omg 100,000 is just around the corner!!! 

This hasn't been edited by my bitch because she's busy so I had to self-edit so hopefully it's not too cringe worthy.

Ummm a friendly warning this chapter involves sexy scenes and cuteness overload so be prepared to read your heart out. The sexy scenes are not AS detailed as the previous one but it's still detailed hahaha. Okay you've been warned, go ahead bitches.


Chapter 34: Walmart you cheeky bastard

“Can you go get some groceries for the house Archie? I’ve got an important meeting soon and I won’t have enough time to stop,” Katerina mumbled as she shoved the files that were scrambled all over the kitchen bench into her black Louis Vuitton bag. I had been sleeping at Archie’s house since the fight two days ago but Katerina didn’t know that because I’d sneak out before everyone in the house was awake, go home and change then go back to Archie’s – this time knocking on the door instead of climbing up the window.

She was a cool mom, but not that cool.

Archie narrowed his eyes at his mom, “Where’s dad, why can’t he go? As you see mother, I’ve got company.”

Katerina paused from shoving the files into her bag and looked up at her son, “He’s out with Theodore today they’ve gone fishing. Now don’t make me ask again or I’ll throw that XBAG thing of yours out the window.”

I watched as my 19 year old boyfriend’s eyes widened like saucers at the mention of his precious toy being destroyed. I shook my head, choking on a laugh at the irony.

“It’s called an X-BOX mom,” he rolled his eyes but then smiled sweetly noticing his mother’s glare, “but don’t worry Adrian and I will go to the store for you, just give us a list.”

Katerina sighed shaking her head muttering something under her breath about having an idiot as a son and then turned her head to me, smiling, “What do you see in this twat?”

I scrunched my nose up in distaste, “I honestly don’t know. I think it may be the tattoos that are keeping me.”

She laughed loudly ignoring Archie’s glare digging into both our faces, “Have fun kiddies, stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

Katerina walked out of the room leaving me with a pouty faced boyfriend. I rolled my eyes at him and stood up, picking up our dirty dishes and walked around the counters to the sink. I started washing the dishes and a few minutes later Archie still hadn’t said a word so I looked up at him and saw him narrowing his eyes at me or more like my chest. He hadn’t noticed me watching him so when I threw the soapy sponge at his face he jumped back and let out a girly squeal.

“What the hell?!” he wiped his face with the edge of his shirt, revealing his delicious abs. I nearly drowned in heaven.

My eyes flickered back up to his eyes. He was still muttering something about me being a crazy bitch, I almost laughed. “I swear you’ve got some anger management issues Princess,” he picked up the sponge and walked over to me, handing me the sponge. He started to dry the dishes as I washed the rest of the ones in the sink for Katerina.

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