Stereo Hearts

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"Dad..." Tina couldn't stop the unconscious flow of tears if she had wanted.

He had changed so drastically in the short time she had been gone. Just months before when she had visited she could tell he was different, but only obviously so when compared to pictures that were a few years old. Now though - he was so changed. He had lost a great deal of muscle, his skin was pale, his eyes ringed with dark circles. His mustache was gone - Oh her heart twisted. His mustache. The one he'd shaved off for her, the one that had caused the start of their family, his manly pride. His hair was far more sparse, greyed heavily around his temples where it clung to.

"Tina!" He smiled, moving forward slowly on his cane.

That's when she saw it, the lump on his arm. Sarcoma. It had lain dormant in his body, winding around his bone, muscle, and tendons without anyone noticing until Linda had noticed the swelling.

"I know I look kinda bad-" Teddy coughed, "Okay really bad. But we're doing treatment right now."

"The radiation therapy they have your dad on really wipes him out." Linda quipped, her hand gently moving to Bob's shoulder as he slumped onto a bar stool between Teddy and Tina. "But the surgery is soon."

"Whoa, Mr. B." Zeke's voice was low, somber. "You look like shit."

"Zeke!" Tina snapped, turning on him.

His eyes widened and he pulled away.

"No, no Tina." Bob cleared his throat. "I-it's okay. Honesty is the best policy. How is my best student doing these days? Heard you had a full ride scholarship."

"Yeah. Actually, Mr. B." He stood, twisting his hands uncertainly, "Jay-Ju called me. Told me how you were doing. I came down here to - I just wanted to let you know you were an inspiration to me." His eyes slid to the small group who came to the register to pay for their food. His eyes watched as Rudy Counted their money back and wished them a good day. "I've been taking courses at college. I would like to be a chef one day."

"M'awww!" Linda pressed a hand to Bob's arm, the other wiping at her eyes. "Zeke that's so sweet!"

His eyes lit up, a smile plastered his face as he straightened, "Really, Zeke? My God that's so flattering. And amazing. Good for you."

"Let me take it one step further." He took a slight step back, inhaling deeply. "Mr. B, I respect you. I think you're one of the best men I've ever met. I'd be honored to work with your family in your restaurant one day." Louise peeked out from her position at the grill, a small frown creasing between her eyebrows. "I also want to let you know I fully intend to pursue Tina over there."

Tina felt the blush down to her toes as every single eye turned to look at her. The barrage of emotions she could feel assaulted her; sly, amused, curious, disbelieving, and - She snapped her gaze up to Zeke, then shook her head, looking quickly back down to her hands. She could feel herself start to sweat. She bit her lip to avoid her awkward habit of moaning. A grunt escaped from her pursed lips anyway.

Bob chuckled, "Well, at least you're enthusiastic."

"Yeah, I don't know Bobby." Linda added quietly, gently. "Tina has sort of confirmed herself to singledom..."

"What?!" He spluttered, incredulous. "Why would she do tha- Why would you do that, Tina?"

"Because no one compares to the men in her books." Linda sighed, "I would know. I've read all of them."

"Mom!" Tina barked, covering her face.

"I like a girl with passion." Zeke grinned, winking at Linda. He leaned forward, "I've read them all too."

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