Chapter 11: Just A Kiss

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Hime: Heya~ haven't updated for a while huh ( not really xD...) *sweatdrops* well... *runs away*

Hikaru: No you dont! *captures me*

Hime: ehehe so... hontoni gomenasai *bows head*

Hikaru: sigh, why am I stuck with YOU alone?!?

Hime: LIKE HELL WOULD I KNOW! ehem, anyway... I dont own OHSHC. It belongs to Bisco Hatori

Hikaru: Can I go now?

Hime: uh, yes you can and oh this is my first time telling who's pov I am using... normally its narrative or by jem's pov but now we'll go with kaoru's pov so sorry for the ooc'ness of kaoru *bows head* and and this is short sorry~

well, this is a long note... so just continue and I hope you enjoy reading this

"''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:"

"so sebastian-kun, why did you join the host club?"

The girls are gathered around jem and sebastian... I wouldnt care much but... I looked towards them and

"its because I love him"

How could he say that so casually?!? I mean I know he's acting but gaah this isnt like me! this is more like my brother hikaru...

"jealous arent we?"

"way to go cheering up your own brother hikaru"

I pouted and heaved a sigh

"Is something wrong kao-chan?"

Hani senpai asked and all the other hosts looked at me... I looked at haruhi signaling her to tell them

"well kaoru here-"

haruhi was cut off by all the girls fainting and we looked over and what I saw had pained me...

Jem...and Sebastian... were kissing each other

They started laughing while I stood there like time had frozen. I know that hikaru and haruhi are worriedly looking at me but I... this pain is unbearable...

"Why.... Why did you kissed my daughter?!?"

"why? well we do it all the time" hurts... it hurts too much

"May I know you're true relationship towards each other?"

"He's my father"

"she's like a daughter"

They said and it eased my pain. I was overthinking things, it was so not me

"feeling better now?"

hikaru asked as he held my hand and I nodded but the next thing I heard completely broke me apart

"but still~ I wont accept it!"

"come-on tamaki-senpai it was just a kiss"



So... was our kiss at that time, means nothing? I... I guess it is, since I'm sure she doesnt even remember it

", you know you could always go out for fresh air"

"no thanks haruhi, besides that kind of stuff was something hikaru would do"

I focefully managed a grin towards the two of them...

I was overthinking things... I let my emotions took over

She wasnt in her right mind at that time, she was in her sugar craze mode... what she did was normal for her... It held nothing special

...It was just a kiss

"''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:"

Hikaru: why did you make my brother cry?

Hime: w-wha?!? I-I thought you already left?

Hikaru: It doesnt matter! now you, you lazy author

Hime: meanie~ *pouts*

Hikaru: *blushes* a-anyway come with me and we'll have a serious talk *grins evilly*

Hime: *gulp* uh sorry that this was short and I ruined kaoru and made him sad but... Im truly sorry so please... SAVE ME FROM THIS DEVIL!!!

Hikaru: no way, we're gonna play... "toy" *smirks*


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