Chapter 15: Salvation Between Life And Death

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Dedicated to @victoryinpursuit and  @PenguinLuna ~

I love you both TTwTT

"''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:" "''▪.,;:"

All I see is darkness... My friend had comforted me already right? I thought after that I'll see the light... and be happy

I could hear the faintly sound of a machine beeping... are there any machines in heaven?

Suddenly... all I see is white...


The voices spoke so I turned towards them... wait, turned? So Im standing?

"are you lonely?"

They both asked... as they got nearer I recognize their faces...

"Kao-kao? karu-karu?"

I asked them smiling a little...but they didnt answered back. I know its weird but it seems that I have gone back to the past... with two ginger head boys in front of me

"do you want to be happy?"

Kaoru questioned me

"then you should play with us"

Hikaru smiled...

This... I think this happened before...

"What is happening here?"

I asked but yet again no one answered me... Instead, they both grabbed my hand and started running

"where are we going?"

I tried asking again and to my relief they finally answered back

"We're going towards the outside world"

hikaru smiled

"And we'll open your locked up heart..."

He also smiled and infront of me... I saw all of my fiends...

This is it... this is what my friend wanted... I'll be happy... finally



"This is bad!"

The doctor announced and the nurse gave him the equipment

[ oh my god I dont know what's it called, sorry TwT ]

And the doctor began saying 'CLEAR'

Yes...jem's heartbeat is weakening... as shown in the monitor

"Raise the electic shock... Clear"

The doctor tried again... This scene is what the hosts are seeing... Yes they are inside the operating room already because of kyoya's authorities...


hani cried more and more and he cant stop crying...

You can also hear mori sobbing and whimpering

Tamaki had his teard dried hours ago... he's crying but no tears were falling

Kyoya wasnt composed anymore... this time his attention is on jem and on her alone...Our Shadow King here isnt composed at all and is breaking down to cries

The twins... being the ones who are hurted by all the revelations ran besides the bed where jem was laying. Hikaru on jem's right and kaoru on left

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