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Hello everyone it's time for a new book. I think with season three of Date A Live coming out right now I should get to writing a fan fiction of one of my favorite series.Also, Kotori is in no way related to Shido in this story, and you and her are not blood related. I'll stop talking so let's get to it.


POV: You

Part 1.

Right now, I'm being woken up by probably the cutest little sister I could ever have, well step sister but still. She's jumping on my bed trying to wake me up 10 minutes before my alarm goes off.

 She's jumping on my bed trying to wake me up 10 minutes before my alarm goes off

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"Wake up!" Kotori shouts happily as she danced/jumped on my bed.

"I got 10 minutes" I tell her.

"No, wake up now!" She says then plops down onto my bed, landing on my stomach, as she did I unintentionally saw the pink and white stripped panties she was wearing.

"Kotori, darling little sister of mine" I say, now fully awake due to Kotori's bed jumping.

"What is it darling big brother of mine?" She asks innocently.

"I-need you to run away..." I say to her, wanting to get back at her for jumping on my bed. Her innocent cheerful smile disappeared "My other side is coming out.."

"Big brother?" She says with worry.

"Run away Kotori, run away before my Hyde sends you to tickle hell" I tell her.

"B-but big brother, what will happen to you?" She says.

"As long as your safe it doesn't matter what happens to me" I say "Run away, I can't hold him back much longer"

"No, I can't leave you" She tells me.

I then jump scare her like in a video game and she screams bloody murder before sprinting out of my room terrified. I chuckle a bit before getting out of bed. I got ready for school and got my bag before walking out of my room. I go down the stairs and into the living room. In the living room I see the coffee table set up on its side with strawberry red hair poking out the side. I set my bag down quietly and sneaked over to the coffee table.

"One last scare should be fine"

I pocked my head out and scared Kotori. She shreaks again and rushes backwards into a wall. She sees that she has no way out and tears up.

"I don't want to go to tickle hell" She cries.

"It's fine Kotori, I'm back, it's me" I tell her.

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