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Hello everyone it's time for a newf chapter. Last chapter a new spirit transferred to your school, her name is Kurumi Tokisaki.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's tuesday now, Yesterday, a spirit who called herself Kirumi Tokisaki joined my class. I do not know Kurumi's intention and whether she is planning anything, but I know what I have to do. As I am making breakfast, Altera walks into the kitchen with her uniform on before sitting at the table.

"Good morning" I say to Altera "Did you sleep well?"

"I did" She says.

"Breakfast will be done soon" I replied.

"There's something I would like to ask you" Altera says with some nervousness in her voice.

"Is there something wrong Altera?" I ask her as I placed her finished breakfast on a plate.

"W-well..." Altera says nervously while fidgeting with the ends of her shirt and a slight blush on her voice "Can we go on a date today? After school maybe?"

I smile "Of course, I'd love too" I kissed her on the cheek and set her food on the table in front of her "Eat up"

"Good morning (Y/n)" Yoshino says then sits down at the table.

"Good morning" I replied.

"So what is on the menu for us today, (Y/n)?!" Yoshinon says happily.

"Pancakes, as requested" I say with a smile a set a tower of three pancakes infront of them.

"You sure know how to charm a girl don't you (Y/n)!, Making her favorite food just the way she likes it" Yoshinon exclaims as Yoshino started to eat the pancakes.

"(Y/n) I need to talk to you" Kotori tells me from the living room.

"Coming" I say. I walk over to her and she leads me up to her room "What is this about?"

"This is about that spirit in your class" Kotori states as she sits at her desk.

"Okay, what about her?" I questioned.

"Yesterday, the AST killed her" Kotori says as she pulled up a video on her screen of the insident.

Kotori plays the video, which looked like it was taken from a street camera. I watched as Kurumi entered the frame, walking home and keeping to herself. Kurumi stops in her tracks as the small smile on her face formed into a unpleasant frown. Then a girl entered the frame from the other side of the screen, I noticed that the unknown girl was the girl that thought I was her brother. The unknown girl deploys some sort of suit that resembled the ones the AST wore. Kurumi did the same and brought out her astral dress which was black and red and was very gothic Lolita like. Before Kurumi did anything, the girl drove a laser sword straight threw Kurumi's stomach. The girl pulls the sword out and uses it to cut Kurumi's head off.

"Shit" I state.

"You may think that the reason I wanted to talk to you is because the AST killed Kurumi Tokisaki but that would be quite the opposite" Kotori says and I raise a brow. Kotori presses her keyboard and it switches to more video of Kurumi "The real reason is this, this is live video of Kurumi walking to school right now"

"So your telling me Kurumi is supposed to be dead right now?" I questioned.

"Exactly, so this is what I want you to do. Tomorrow we are off of school for holiday, so I want you to ask Kurumi on a date and seal her powers before the AST kill her again for good" Kotori tells me.

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