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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you went on a date with Altera and were able to seal her spirit power.



Part 1.

Yesterday, I sealed the power of a spirit named Altera. She just wanted to be normal, and didn't want the unknown power she was given. After saving Altera, Kotori told me that she had to have some tests ran on her before she goes to her aftercare. Right now I sat in my seat, waiting for class to start. I looked out the window, only being able to think about how Altera is doing right now. Ms. Okamine walks up in front of the class and Reine was standing next to her.

"Okay class, today we have 2 new transfer students joining our class" Ms. Okamine "You may come in now"

The door for the class opens and in walks in a girl with long black hair and Altera. I could only assume that that the girl next to Altera was Tohka. Of course, they were both wearing the school uniform. Some of the guys looked at them both in awe at their beauty, especially Altera with her mocha skin. I wasn't exactly surprised that they were the transfer students, Altera wanted to be normal, though there is no proper definition of normal when it comes to humans.

"Hi, I'm Tohka Yatogami, it's nice to meet you all" Tohka says then bows.

"I'm Altera Pannonia, please treat me well" Altera says then bows

"Tohka, Altera, you can sit in the empty seats in the back" Ms. Okamine says.

Tohka is the one that sits next to Origami and Altera sits next to Tohka. Origami and Altera looked at each other with a look as if they've seen each other before and didn't leave off on a good foot.

{Time Skip}

It's near the end of school today, and right now the girls should be finishing up their cooking class while us guys just finished our wood working class. I was at my desk, getting my stuff put together. The door to the class opens and Altera walks in with a apron on over her uniform. She walked over to me and placed a light green box on my desk, in side were cookies that were circular and square.

"I made these for you (Y/n), the other girls taught me how to make them" Altera tells me.

"Thank you Altera, Good job" I said then patted her head which made her smile. Origami then walked up to me making Altera frown. "Hey Origami"

"Stay away from her (Y/n), she's bad civilization" Altera tells me with some worry for me..

Origami bows a bit "I'm so sorry, I know a apology is hardly enough"

"It's fine Origami, I accept your apology" I stated.

Origami then grabs my tie and pulls me close to her "No more cheating okay" She tells me.

"I'm pretty sure, for me to cheat we would have to be dating and for us to be dating we would of had to go on a date first" I state.

Origami let go of my then looks at Altera "The report states that you stayed. Tell me what your still doing here"

"I don't need to explain anything to the likes of you" Altera says coldly then lightens up when she looks back at me "Want to try a cookie right now?"

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