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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter after the first day of school went close to normal, a spacial quake occurred and you met the creator of it. A spirit named Altera.


POV: You

Part 1.

I was unconscious, in a unknown place. As I started to gain my consciousness back, I could feel that I was laying on some sort of bed. It wasn't a mattress bed but it sure was some sort padding bed. I open my eyes and I see a high tech looking room with medical equipment. I see Shido, laying in a other bed in the room unconscious. The doors to the room opened and I see a woman with silver hair and blue eyes walk into the room. She wore some sort of uniform and there was a stuffed bear in her breast pocket.

For some reason, I could just feel that Kotori had some sort of link with me and Shido being here

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For some reason, I could just feel that Kotori had some sort of link with me and Shido being here. When it comes to feelings like this their 99% correct, I think it's just something that happens because of my angel.

"It seems that your awake now, (Y/n)" The woman says.

"Who are you?" I question.

"My name is Reine Murasame, You can just call me Reine. I'm the head Analysis here" She says.

"Where's my sister Kotori, I have a feeling she's here" I question Reine.

"I will take you to her then" Reine says.

"Thank you"

I get out of the bed and I followed Reine. I was back in my school uniform, my Astral suit disappearing after going unconscious probably. After a bit of walking we reach a door and it opens. On the other side of the door is a guy with long blond hair in a white suit and has brown eyes.

"I have (Y/n)" Reine says "I'm going to go back to the infirmary to check on Shin"

Reine then walks away leaving me with the guy with the blond hair.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/n), my name is Kyouhei Kannaduki, I'm the vice commander here" He says.

I walk in the room and it looked like a bridge of a ship or a command room. I then hear a familiar voice but sounded much different.

"So you've finally decided to wake up" The voice says.

I look to my right, and in the commanders seat was my little sister Kotori. For some reason the ribbons in her hair were black and not white. In her mouth was a chupa chup lollipop.

"Things tend to happen when your trying to save someone" I say to her.

"Why did you choose today of all days to finally put your power to use?, besides on your own little sister" Kotori questions me.

"Because I knew you were up to something, you were way to insistent on me meeting you at the diner" I replied.

"So you caught on to that" Kotori says and moves the lollipop in her mouth.

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