Chapter 2

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I haven't always been shy, except this time my shyness has won, but I breathe, thinking that I need to at least get to know the man who buys me a drink.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask and he turns to face me, turning me into mush with the most beautiful gray eyes I have ever seen. He shakes his head as I quickly catch a glimpse of Natalie with a smile on her face and Peter standing next to her, giving me a funny grin. I sit down and put my glass down on the counter. "I'm Hazel." I ask, suddenly feeling like the stupidest person ever.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." He says in a British accent and I feel myself about to swoon, but I keep myself in check. I look at him to see him smirking.

"Sorry, my thoughts tend to run off in odd ways." I say, feeling heat rush to my cheeks and I hear him chuckling, which is music to my ears.

"You're fine. I'm Noah." He says. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Crap, what do I talk about? He already told me he wasn't going to hurt me.

"I'll start it. So what do you do for a living?" Well, here we go, the most attractive man may just run away because I have a dream of flying.

"I work as an insurance adjuster." I say, trying to hide my sadness.

"I take it that you're not happy with what you do?" I smile timidly at him.

"Am I that open?"

"Yeah." He chuckles, "What would you rather be doing than a boring desk job?"

Here we go.

"Ever since I was little, I always had a fascination with flying." He looks at me, as if saying to continue, which brings up my walls. "The pilot gave me these little wings and for some reason, that alone got me hooked." I look at him to see his reaction, but there is none. "Feel free to take off or something." I say, taking a sip of my wine, but he is still there, his grey eyes looking at me.

"Why would you think that flying is a boring topic, especially when a lady talks about it?"

"My mother believes that a lady should be behind the desk, not behind the controls of an aircraft." He takes a drink of his scotch and turns to face me and that is when I get a view. His white shirt fits him to show his chest and I mentally give myself a shake.

"There is nothing wrong with a lady who has a fascination with flying. Trust me, it's exhilarating."He says with a chuckle and I smile, feeling calmer when something dawns on me.

"You're a pilot?" I ask, questioningly, which causes him to laugh.

"What if I am?" His playful smirk is back.

"Oh, I don't know."  I return with a smile of my own, taking a drink.

"Mysterious. I like it." He replies.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used for handsome gentlemen buying me drinks."

Damnit you asshole. Real slick.

"You think I'm handsome?" He smirks, causing an eyebrow to go up.

"Yep, your definitely a pilot." I chuckle and a breeze flows through the front door, causing me to shiver a bit, but it doesn't go unnoticed by Noah. He finishes his scotch and pays for both of our drinks, which I quickly finish before stepping off the stool. I put my sweater on, but it's taken out of my hands as Noah puts it on for me. I smile, moving my hair out of the collar and putting my purse on my shoulder. Noah lets me walk first and suddenly, I feel like a bug being examined by a bunch of kids, except this time the ladies were glaring at me. I quick up my pace a bit, opening the door to the outside, trying to calm a panic attack. A hand lands on my arm and I look to see Noah looking at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just got a panic attack." I say, trying to breathe in some fresh air, but living in New York, that's a slim chance. He slides his jacket off and tells me to put my arms through the sleeves. "But you'll get cold."

"I'm used to the cold. Plus you're wearing a dress." He says, glancing at my legs.

Holy crap! He's checking out my legs...wait is that a bad thing?

I put the jacket on and it instantly swallows me.

"Man, I hate being short sometimes," I say and the only response I get is a chuckle.

"Mind if I walk you home?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Not at all." I say with a smile and he holds out his elbow for me to take. He lets me lead him as we walk towards my house. "I'm gonna assume that your also not a serial killer who preys on innocent women." I ask, my gut tightening at the possible responses.

"Nope. Just a straight and honest guy walking a beautiful lady home." I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

He just called me beautiful.

I feel him stop me and I look up at him to see a surprised look on his face.


"You have never been called beautiful, have you?"

"Well uh, it's kind of a long story." I mumble, looking down.

"Whenever you're ready." He replies and my heart swells in my chest. We stop and wait for the crosswalk light to allow us to walk.

"I was in a...complicated relationship. It was more of...." I'm trying to think of the words, which I can't. "He didn't believe in saying meaningful words such as beautiful and gorgeous. My best friend Natalie managed to get me out of that situation, with the help of her husband." I feel his arm tense up under my fingers. "Noah?" I ask, stopping him once we crossed the street. My apartment building was just up ahead. He pins me with gray eyes that seem to be storming.

"Someone just as beautiful as you should not have paid any attention to a man with no honor or respect."

Holy crap!

We reach my apartment building and I stop him. "Thank you for the walk home and for the memorable evening, especially meeting someone who has a love for flying." I say, shyly and of course, he smiles.

"Anytime, miss. I have a feeling we will see each other soon." He says. I get up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night Noah." I say, opening the door.

"Good night Hazel." He says as I shut the door, but then realize that I still had his jacket. I rush out the door to find that he's gone.

"Oh, crap." I mumble, walking up the stairs to my apartment when the side door opens and Natalie has a knowing smile on her face.

"Hazel, you naughty girl." She chuckles and I unlock my door that is next to her. It's not huge, just a small living room that is decorated with rustic touches, the kitchen that is to my right. The room has a baby blue bedspread that ombre, a desk with my computer and office stuff, and my favorite picture of Audrey Hepburn as well as a Cessna Citation flying into the sunset.

"Oh hush." I reply with a smile and go to take my shoes off and take Noah's coat off my body and take a look at it. It has the airline logo on the left side and Watson on the right side.

"Damn girl, you finally found yourself a pilot." Natalie says behind me, causing me to drop Noah's jacket on the ground.

"Damnit Natalie." I say, glaring at her while she's laughing her ass off. She flops down on my bed as I roll my eyes and take my pajamas to the small changing area that's in the corner. "I'm assuming you want the details?"

"Girl, you got a pilot. Hell to the yes I want details."

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