Chapter 5

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As i woke up to Caspars screaming. STILL?? I got out of bed and slapped joe with a pillow.

"Wake up sleepy little man." I screamed in his ear and slapped him again with the pillow.

"Lemme sleep already" he said groaning

Whatever. I checked my phone and got 3 new message notifications.

Hailey: Hey i saw you yesterday. Saedi says your not home? Where are you!?

Bailey: Girl where are you.


I texted them that im staying at Joe's for a little bit and that he's throwing a party today and that they should come. They obviously said yes because well.. THEY HAVE NO FREAKING LIFE.

Caspar kept screaming and i went in his room and slapped him. He shutted up after that with that sock still in his mouth.. Just.. Uh. What?

I went to the kitchen and made some waffles for the boys. Finally Joe woke up and almost fainted on the table due to his laziness. Oh what am i going to do with Joe?? I put the waffles in front of him and he woke up to the maple syrup. Caspar finally came out with the sock out of his mouth finally. "Joe, why would you ever put a dirty sock in my mouth?!" Caspar said. I giggled and put the waffle in front of Caspar.

Joe fell asleep on his waffle while Caspar was eating it all. "Wow Casp you were a hungry boy." i giggled. Caspar woke Joe up and screamed in his ear "LETS GET READY FOR THE PARTY!!!!!" i coverd my ears while he said that.

Joe got a bit pissed "FINE CASPAR WHATEVER!" he screamed as he went to the shower and started showering. I went to help Caspar by getting all the food settled. I had to make everything really food related. I made some BBQ food, Cake and Punch for drinks. Joe and Caspar came in with all the decorations and cans of beer.

Um.. Beer? What The.. I ignored the fact that they had beer but why?! I mean seriously im 16 I can't drink! What is this all about!? Whatever i'll just have to except the fact that theres beer.

*Hours later*

Everyone started coming to the house about 5 P.m. Jim and Tanya came with Alfie and Zoe, I guess couples came first XD. Once all the guests came Saedi came with Malee. Wonderful. Just. Wonderful.

Hailey and Bailee didn't show up like they never show up to anything. Who cares anyways. Saedi introduced me to Malee and I introduced Joe to Malee and Malee to Joe. Joe gave Saedi and Malee a tour of the appartment so they don't get lost while I started to talk to Zoe.

"So your Joe's sister? Well Im Adeline Davis or Adi for short." I said kindly introducing myself

"Yeah I am. Your his girlfriend right? He talked about you alot so far that I know. Im Zoe." she said kindly.

"Well thats nice to know.." I said smiling.

"Oh and one thing. RUIN my brothers first relationship over a decade and you will be dead. Not kidding." she said flipping her hair walking away.

Joe finally came back with a beer in his hand. WHAT? NO NO NO. MY MOM SAID NO BEER.

Saedi and Malee came back and got some food and went to go sit down for a little. I looked over at Joe seeing him chugging down beer after beer. I walked over to him asking what he was doing?! I obviously new he was drinking but why so many?? Jim came over to me and pulled me in a room.

Jim: "Hey. So im Jim one of Joe's close buddies. Look.. Joe is getting drunk tonight, it's sorta obvious.. But beware.. Joe is what you say.. OVER EXTREME when he gets too drunk. So I would try not to do anything that would get him even more crazier."

"Well.." I said. "Is there any way we could get him from not drinking?"

"No way.. Don't take away his beer.." he said and left saying good luck.

I went outside and people were already setting of fireworks like the usual. Everyone came out and started lighting fireworks except for Saedi and Malee. Alfie did the first one.

"OOH, p-p-pretty." joe said sounding very drunk. Zoe set off one and it was HUGE. Joe was playing with the lighter from his drunkness. I have a feeling he's going to set something on fire..

Joe kept drinking more causing him to act a bit sexual to the guests.. Everyone about left after that.

Saedi brought all my things and handed them to me so I could stay with Joe. I was quite happy. Once everyone left Joe started to scream and broke a glass cup, which Caspar had to pick up. Joe started running everywhere in the house and grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his room locking the door and throwing me on his bed. As I asked what he was doing he turned his lights off slightly still leaving light. He smirked throwing his shirt off. Not knowing whats happening I got up from the bed. Joe pushed me on the bed again and started getting on the bed as well getting on top of me.

"JOE WTF!" i screamed.

He ignored me and started pulling down my skirt. I tried stopping him from what was happening but it was no use! The next thing was that he was naked and I only had my bra and underwear on. I think Joe was so drunk he was going to rape me. I tried moving away from him but he walled me and layed on top of me starting to thrust on me. I moaned for a minute. He started stripping off my underwear and put his d*ck in my place.

I screamed and moaned once it was in. I seriously hope he used protection because Im only 16!! Im not even legal to have sex yet! God this night has turn to the scariest night of my life. Joe started staring at me while he was on top of me doing many things to me.

I really needed this to stop now. I grabbed Joe's phone without Joe seeing me and texted Caspar saying to help. I new he couldn't help me but I needed to try.

I started to cry from all this raping. What if I get pregnat when I get back to California where I live. My parents will probley abbonden me like my friends would too by calling me a slut. God did my best friend/ boyfriend ruin my whole life?! GOD I seriously hope he used protection

We finally fell asleep and ignored the fact that this happend. I really hope we both forget about this and it was all dream. I prayed as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*a couple hours later*

Caspar finally got the text and tried opening the door when he couldnt since it was locked. I woke up and got my robe on opening the door and walking out asking to talk to him.

As we sat down I told him that Joe raped me and he was that drunk im afraid he didn't use protection.

Caspar didn't know what to do and left me in the living room. Wow. Thanks Caspar.

I walked back to the bedroom and got in my pj's and fell asleep.





THIRD OF ALL SORRY FOR BLURRING OUT BAD WORDS my brother wants to read this .-. (he's 8 wtf)


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