Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Hi my name is Adeline Monica Davis, but i prefer Adi much better :) So since I just got this note thing I might as well talk about how much my life sucks. Everyday at school i get bullied for how im shy and just not as pretty as the populars.. I get abused by my family sometimes by hearing my parents fight 24/7.. I get tortured by litsening to this kind of crap. It really annoys me.. I guess that deep deep down im not that different and insecure.. Anyways.. Im 16 and in high school.. all the boys at my school are ugly except for Michale Hughes. The most handsome person in this disaster place called school. So anyways tomorrow is the last day of school and then summer comes. Pretty much in July im gonna be in London with my really good friends Bailee, Hailey and Saedi, so hopefully that will be fun. Well i must go. Gotta start packing for this month of craziness.


I sat down my note pad thingy called a diary and started to pack for London. I of course packed my clothes and shoes. I also packed my chargers, perfume, hair stuff and my makeup pretty much everything a girl needs for a month. I got a text from Saedi

Saedi: "Hey our plane leaves tomorrow after school, we land on the first of July okay?"

I ignored her and zipped up my suitcase while getting ready for bed. I yawned and got in my sheets and closed my eyes dreaming about my future. They always end me up in a sushi factory. I dont need that... The next morning came and I woke up with my bed head. I went over to my mirror. Ready for another boring, bullying, and abusive last day.. hopefully it will be better. I got all dressed and did my hair walking out the door I hopped on my bus and went to school. As I walked in all I saw was making out, sluts, and a bunch of teachers. An average day for me! I laughed and walked passed Michale staring into his giant brown eyes as I ran into the lockers. Oof. He did nothing but laugh and stare. .-. bitch.

I ran into History class and the first thing that happend was the jock behind me Jake kept kicking my backpack. The bullying begins.

Finally 8th period ends and i walk out with Saedi, Bailee and Hailey with our suitcases in Hailey's moms car. We all got in the car and went to LAX, boarding our plane we left for England.

The fly attendent was really dumb.. I asked for pizza for the meal and she handed me Water. Lady needs jesus. I was starving the next day because Ms. Dumby didnt understand what pizza means .-. Anyways so we landed in London and we got our suitcases. When I grabbed mine it smelt like collonge. Hopefully its just from the plane.. As I walked out I heard a British person scream "WAIT." I glanced over in suspence. "Uh.. What the?" I said in confusion. "Thats my suitcase Ma'm." the british dude said.

"No it's not.. Carry on please." I said trying to say politely. The british dude than grabbed my suitcase. "DUDE WHATS YOUR DEAL!? YOUR LIKE A CREEPY PEDO STEALIING MY CASE." I shouted. "LOOK LADY. I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT LOOK, IT SAYS NAME: JOE. ITS MINE." He said. "Oh... Sorry.." I said handing him his suitcase slowly running to get mine.

We finially arived at our hotel and I unpacked all my stuff into my room, Hailey and Bailee shared a room like me and Saedi. "So Adi you ready to go out and explore London? It's so beautiful!" Saedi said in excitment. "Uhhh.. Sure. Why not it is very nice out!" I said smiling. We ran out in our black converse and went to explore. "Hey Adi im gonna go shopping for a bit, you can go explore without me. We'll catch up soon okay?" Saedi said. "Oh okay.." I shivered. It's freezing in London.. I got some hot choclate and started walking as a british dude ran into me like a clutz. Oof. I split all my coco all over my shirt and all over the guy. "OH MY GOD!! im so so sorry!! Please dont hurt me..!" I said scared. "Oh.. No its my fault sorry.. C'mon ill go buy you a new cup and I won't hurt you I promise." he said kindly.

"No it's fine you dont have too.." I said

"Yeah I do. C'mon." He grabbed my wrist pulling me.

I pulled my hand away since I dont even know him.. "Sorry I just don't know you.."

"Oh! Right.. Duh. Im Joe. Joe Sugg" he said smiling with a cute smile.

"Nice to meet you Joe, im Adeline Davis or Adi for short.. Heh." i said

"Nice name too I truly like it." His smiled faded

"Oh thanks..." I said smiling

We got our coco and started to speak but we got inturrupted by Saedi running in. She ran over to me pushing Joe not even noticing "ADI THE MALLS HERE ARE SO PERFECT!!!! WE GOTTA GO SHOP C'MON!!" she said screaming in my ear. "Umm.. A little busy" i said pointing at Joe waving to her. "AWWW ADI GOT A BOYFRIEND!!" she said then whispering to me 'seriously him? you could do better he's ugly.' Joe apparently heard her "Well.. That boy has ears and FEELINGS." he said. "Duhh.. I belive everyone has ears and feelings. so you comin Adi?" Saedi said. "Sorry Sae we can meet up later. Have fun without me." I said smiling. "Oh okay Adi i'll bring you something." she said as she ran away

"Wow.. You know her?" he said wondering.

"Yeah... Sorry she always does that..." i said.

"Well how can you put up with that? Shes a bit pushy.." he said.

"Knowing her for a long time.. You get used to it." i started laughing a bit.

"Hey you look really familiar.." he said staring into my brown eyes.

"Yeah, you do too.." i said blushing

"Well anyways.." he said looking around

"heh.." i said running out of words.

"You know your not all I would expect in a girl." he said smiling a bit

"Same with you.. You seemed different than what i expected.. Your actually the nicest person to me.." i said nervously blushing.

"What? Really.. what about your friends??" he said in confusion.

"The thing is.. I dont have many friends.. Bailee is a little annoying.. shes a little miss know it all.. Hailey is just really not sociable and Saedi lastly is just pushy.. And i dont have any boy friends really.. those are my only 3 friends.." i said tearing up from all my depression.

"Well now you have 4 friends. Im your friend" he smiled wiping my tears off my face.

"Thanks Joe.. your so nice..." i said.

We pretty much talked the whole day getting to know eachother as best friends. The first day of London was a really nice day for me in awhile. I never expected meeting the nicest person in my life on vacation. It was later in the day about 6 O'clock pm. I was tired but not too tired.. "Hey Adi you wanna grab some dinner with me??.." he said smiling slightly. "Sure!" i said starving. We walked over to a Taco Bell because we found out we both loved Taco bell. We were there for 30 minutes but went to a park after and hung out there for awhile. The clock hit 7 and it started raining. I was in a tank top and freezing. "Oh first thing about London is that its always freezing so always bring a jacket.." he said laughing a little bit and handed me his jacket. "Oh well thank you! It's warm." i said smiling and getting sleepy. I fell asleep on Joes shoulder and he took me back to the hotel and Saedi let him in.

"So Joe.. Why so late with Adi? No funny bisnuess got it Mister. I protect my best friend." Saedi said.

"We just hung out and we got dinner and it got chilly so i gave her my jacket and she fell asleep. Tell her too keep the jacket" he said smiling walking out the door.



I really hope you enjoyed the First chapter of 1 Month & 31 Days. Im working on Chapter 2 Now. Really hope you liked it :)

Find out if Adi and Joe ever become a thing further out in the story. So keep reading.

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