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(A.N. I have not yet seen the end of sao alicization, as it is not out yet, unfortunately. so this will take place when they are still I'm training I guess? I'm bored with waiting for the next episode though, and this popped into my head, and I just had to write it.
P.s. I haven't read any sao fanfics yet, so if someone else has already written this, don't be mad🙏)

Eugeo's p.o.v.

It was a late summer night, and way past curfew, when Eugeo looked up to see the time, and realized Kirito wasn't in the room. "Is it wrong that I would be more surprised if he didn't break the rules?" He sighed exasperated, though he was hiding a find smile at the same time. " At any rate, I should go find him before he gets caught. Where could he be? "
He stood from the desk, where he had been studying for the past two hours, and stretched the kinks in his back and neck. He then left the room, hesitating for a moment in the hall, before deciding to go right to the stairs. From there he went down to the exit and left the building to go to the training room.
He went inside and found nothing but the moonlight flinging off of the cold steel, and being absorbed by the full wood, of the weapons there. He left the building and paused in thought for a moment before remembering that Kirito had another interest beside swords, and quickly went to the garden behind the dormitory. He looked around for a second before he saw him, in a corner leaning against the wall, looking up at the starry sky. As he approached, Eugeo found it strange that he had gone unnoticed thus far by the usually over-alert dark haired boy. As he drew near, he stopped in his tracks when Kirito's face came into full view, he gasped slightly. Was kirito — crying? He ducked behind a hedge, not wanting to disturb his friend in such a state.
then he heard it, Eugeo listened in silence as his best friend spoke almost inaudibly to the stars, his eyes grew slightly wider as he did so.

Kirito's p.o.v.

Kirito stared at the sky, thinking about his friends from the real world. He would give anything to see them again. Especially Asuna, his girlfriend, who had even been his wife in SAO, and Yui, their adopted AI daughter. Though she couldn't exactly be called an AI anymore.
He didn't even realize when tears started to slip silently down his cheeks.
He stared up at the stars, how long has he been there? Two years?
"I guess I would be nineteen now, wouldn't I? Assuming that time is the same here as it is there. Asuna, would be close to twenty, wouldn't she, and Yui…. I wonder, will I ever get out of here? Will I ever see you two again?" He slid down to the ground and hid his face on his knees.
He was slightly startled when he heard a muffled step nearby. He looked up to see Eugeo trying to walk away unnoticed. He shook his head slightly and frowned. "Eugeo? What are you doing?"
The blonde looked at a loss. "I… I came to get you, before you were caught out here after curfew. I–I didn't mean to intrude. I'm sorry." He looked so apologetic, and sad, Kirito felt bad for him to an extent.
"It's okay, thanks, I didn't realize how late it got." He stood and brushed away the start tears that lingered in his face. They returned to their form in silence, but neither had an easy time getting to sleep that night.
They lay in their beds for a long while, staring at nothing, until finally Eugeo broke the silence.
" Hm? "
"I–I've never seen you cry before, that was the first time I've seen you sad since we met."
"That so? " Kirito wasn't sure where this was going, so he decided to let Eugeo have free reign and not add anything that could divert the conversation from the intended topic.
"Why were you crying?"
He sighed, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep everything a secret from him forever, but he was unsure of how he could tell his friend the truth about himself without divulging the fact that this world wasn't real.
"Its okay if you don't want to talk about it. But… I would like to help if I can."
Kirito sighed again, he really wasn't making this easy.
"It—has to do with—my previous life."
"Previous life?"
"Before I met you. "
He heard the gasp from the top bunk as clear as day. "But–but you said that you didn't remember all that! Have you managed to remember something Kirito?"
He gulped."You could say that."
" So, this, Asuna, and… Yuri? " Kirito smiled at the misnaming.
"Right. Are they from your previous life?"
" Yeah. "
"Who were they?"
For some reason the past tense made him feel sad. "You mean who are they?"
" Yeah, sorry. " they couldn't see each other, since Kirito was on the bottom bunk while Eugeo was on the top, and besides, it was too dark anyway, but Kirito could tell that his friend was becoming a little uncomfortable.
" Well, how do I put this? They are… well…My wife and daughter."
There was silence above him, and he started to hope that the blonde had fallen asleep before he heard that, but that hope was dashed when Eugeo shot up in his bed and rumbled over the side, then jumped up from the floor and jumped on top of kirito.
Kirito winced at the sharp exclamation. "Eugeo, calm down! You're going to get us in trouble!"
" Your, wife?!" Eugeo obviously wasn't listening.
He sighed. "Yes, my wife, or my girlfriend, depends on which dimension you're in."

Eugeo's p.o.v.

"WHAT!??!" His mind felt like it had exploded. Kirito—was married? ! And has a kid to?! What the hell?!
Kirito was telling him to calm down, but he wasn't the one who just had his mind blown.
"Your, wife?!"
" Yes my wife, or my girlfriend, depends on which dimension you're in. "
The blonde was now in total shock. "What the hell are you talking about?! Dimensions, wife, daughter, girlfriend?! You're not even old enough to have a wife! Not alone a daughter!"
Kirito laughed. "Yeah, don't I know it. You know something even more ridiculous? I actually married Asuna when I was sixteen."
Eugeo's eyes bugged out and his mouth dropped open. "S–sixteen?! What kind of world do you come from where you can get married at sixteen? And wait, you mentioned dimensions earlier, how many dimensions are there?"

Kirito p.o.v.

It felt good to finally tell someone about everything, about the friends and family he missed so much. He was having fun here in the underworld, but he wanted to go home to. This was sort of like sao had been, no matter how much he wanted to go home, he couldn't, he was trapped, he had good friends in both games too and he had fun.
Of course he was careful with the information he told. He didn't tell his friend that the different 'dimensions' were really just games that he had played. And he didn't tell about the circumstances that led to each situation he had found himself in, but he tried to tell his whole story in as much honesty as he could without causing trouble.
When he had finished he was silent for a while, and Eugeo was talking asleep. Th at is until a sudden thought came to him a nd he blurted it out before he fully realized it.
"I wonder, if I were to die in here, would I return to my own world?"
Eugeo shot up in bed again with a shocked look.
"Don't. Even. Think about it. "
Kirito couldn't help but laugh. "Got it. I wasn't planning on killing myself just so you know, I was just thinking is all."
"And I'm telling you not to. Thoughts lead to actions, and a actions lead to consequences. If you don't think about it, you'll forget it, if you do though, you'll be more likely to do it. So Don't think about it."
" Okay, okay, I got it. You don't have to worry. "
The blonde nodded and lay back down with a yawn. "Right, well I've had enough astonishment for one night, 'night Kirito. "
"Goodnight Eugeo."
It took Kirito a moment before he realized that Eugeo was still on his bed.
"Oi! Eugeo! You have your own bed! Go sleep on it!"
" I'm to tired now. It's your fault. " he mumbled sleepily without opening his eyes.
Kirito rolled his eyes and lay down beside the other. He'd deal with him in the morning, for now they both should sleep. It wouldn't do to go to training without any sleep.

                                         *°•done with this one•°*

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