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(A.N. Ok, so, scenario two is a little out there I guess, so what happens is, well, I'm not sure yet? How do I explain this. Basically Kirito gets into a 'situation ' and gets deathly wounded. I am evil.
P.s. Please remember that each chapter is its own one shot story, they are not intended to be connected.)

Kirito and Eugeo were walking through the city on one of the few holidays from the academy, it was a beautiful summer day and the streets were crowded, so they decided to go outside of the city and find a quieter, less populated area.
"I can't believe it's been two years already!" Kirito exclaimed while walking confidently with his arms up behind his head.
Eugeo smiled in response and nodded. "We've come a long way."
"And we'll go further too." Kirito was feeling optimistic due to several circumstances that week, but mostly because of the bright sun that shone down on them.
"Feeling optimistic are we, peasants?"
Kirito's pleasant feelings diminished greatly at the sound of that voice, but he kept a faćade of happiness as he turned around with a confident grin.
"Yep! Naturally Humbert, even you must feel so on occasion."
Humbert's expression darkened. "I have no need of optimism, I have superiority."
"And an inferiority complex it would seem. "
"Why you little…!"
"Now now Humbert, it seems the mouse would pick a fight with the lion." Raios Antinous broke in, and turned to Kirito.
" I prefer to think of myself as a hawk or a panther over a lion, but you've got the mouse part right. " Kirito replied with a grin.
Eugeo face palmed as the three childishly antagonized each other.
"I bet you couldn't even put a scratch on one of those dark realm invaders!"
Kirito's eyes lot up, and Eugeo wished he could erase those words from the dark boys mind. "Dark territory invaders? Where?"
" K-kirito, you know we can't do anything about it even if we wanted to, it's not our job to deal with them, leave it to the…"
"I'm only asking, Eugeo! I know all that."
Eugeo sighed and backed out of the conversation, knowing his friend wouldn't let it go until he was satisfied.
Raios also seemed to be enjoying this, which only led the blonde to feel more uneasy than before." There are rumors that a hoard of around twenty of them invaded a border village a few weeks ago, and that they have been coming closer and closer to the capital since then, destroying towns, villages, and cities along the way. "
"Hasn't the administrator sent anyone to take care of them?" Eugeo broke in again.
Humbert replied. "Of course not, a small band like that should be easily defeated by even a handful of villagers, and if they can't handle it by themselves, then they're hardly worth the trouble of saving. Wouldn't you agree? Oh I forgot, if you were to agree with me then you would just be pronouncing your own death sentence wouldn't you?"
Unbelievable. Kirito thought, these two were completely unbelievable, well, if the administrator and her oh so mighty synthesis knights won't take care of it, then I will.
"Where did you say they were?" Eugeo didn't even try to dissuade him this time, he was probably thinking the same thing in fact.
After they were told the location they didn't bother to stick around to exchange insults with the two pompous idiots, or rather Kirito didn't , and Eugeo ran to catch up with him as they ran back to their forms to submit a request for a leave of absence for a week. Of course they didn't give the true reason for their request, instead saying that they wanted to visit a family member in a neighboring town.
They received leave after a rather long debate and quickly packed their things to leave.
Kirito was a little over-eager for the challenge and wanted to leave right away, but was stopped by Eugeo before he could even leave the room.
"Kirito, it's late, go to bed." He pouted authoritatively at the bed.
Kirito laughed, "alright alright." He threw himself into his bed and closed his eyes to sleep.
Eugeo cleared his throat to get his attention.
Kirito opened one eye. "Now what?"
" you're not even going to change first? "
"We can leave sooner if we're already dressed when we get up in the morning."
" You're ridiculous, how do you ever expect to get on in life with that kind of attitude. "
Kirito mumbled almost inaudibly, "you'd be surprised at just how far this attitude has gotten me."
" what do you mean by that? "
"Oh nothing at all." Kirito was enjoying toying with the blonde, though the things he said were true. Usually he had a more serious attitude towards these things, heck, he had to have a serious attitude, up til now, it had always been a true life or death situation for him, but now, in this game, or whatever it was, he was unsure of what would happen if he died. Maybe he would return to the real world? And then again, maybe he would die in the real world too, or maybe this was the real world now? there was just no knowing.
But in any case, it had been too long since he had any action, and he was eager to get to it.

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