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A.n. Top art is definitely not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner/owners.
(In this scenario Asuna and the rest of the harem are informed of a way in which they can join kirito in the underworld. They of course agree to try it and and up on the bench third to last floor in the tower, moments before Kirito and Eugeo themselves show up. Leaving Eugeo in shock of the hidden playboy in his bestfriend. This scenario takes place before the Incident with Alice. Or rather, the whole 'fight Alice and fall out the side of the tower', incident doesn't exist in this.)

Asuna p.o.v.

I lay down slowly and positioned myself comfortably in my back before giving the ok to the attendant standing over me and they hooked me up and put me under. I saw a glimpse of the same scenario going on with all my friends *cough* rivals, before I was engulfed in blackness. I smiled. Wait for me kirito, we're coming.

I opened my eyes to find myself staring up at an intricate ceiling colored a light purple and slightly glowing, I slowly sat up and looked around to see that I was not alone, the other girls were there too. I stood and looked down at my hands, then moved to swipe for the options screen. Nothing. I tried many different features before I finally gave up. The others started to stir and sit up, surveying their surroundings as they did.
"Where are we?" Suguha asked and I shook my head, indicating that I didn't know. Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps quickly approaching from the left, and we turned to find a large door. The door opened and I think everyone now here gasped. Two swordsmen jumped in with swords raised and prepared for battle, a few minor wounds were visible but they didn't seem to care. One was a blonde boy in blue, carrying a beautiful blue sword with a rose on the hilt. And the other, the other was one that we all knew well, his dark hair hung over his forehead and his eyes grey eyes shone with determination and fury. His stance was of a style that he himself had created.
Suddenly the silence was broken by the squealing and screaming girls. "Kirito!?!"

Kirito p.o.v.

After defeating the integrity knight in the fourth to last floor, Eugeo and I ran quickly up the stairs to the next floor, where we could hear a slight commotion. We reached the giant door and exchanged glances before pushing it open and leaping inside swords ready. What I wasn't prepared for though was to see so many familiar faces before me. Considering the facts behind the integrity knights, I couldn't be sure that these weren't enemies, they could have just been copied of the original fluctlights who didn't know Me at all. I didn't know how to react, and I could tell my uncertainty was spreading to Eugeo as he glanced at me questioningly.
"Kirito!?!" The girls screamed in sync and all doubt was immediately removed from my mind as my beautiful Asuna stared at me with tears in her eyes.
"A-Asuna!?" I sheathed my sword as she ran into my arms and kissed me desperately. "H-how? What? Are you really here Asuna?" I felt a few years of my own trickling down my cheeks, and I knew Eugeo was staring.
She nodded fervently. "Yes, yes I'm here Kirito!"
I hugged her tight. Only then did I realize the other girls pouting at the fact that I hadn't yet acknowledged them.
I laughed. "Suguha! Silica! Lisbeth! Sinon! Come here!"
They all ran and basically glomped me, but I didn't care, I was just so happy to see them all. "Wait, where's Yui?" I looked around but didn't see my and Asuna's daughter.
Asuna smiled. "Sorry honey, they're trying to get her in, but it might take a while."
I nodded. "Wait how did you get here?"
They all laughed. "As if I'd let something like this keep my brother from me." Suguha hugged me again.
"The company where you had your part time job found a way to get us in here so we could see you."

Eugeo p.o.v.

I just stared as they all interacted, who were these girls, and how did they know Kirito, the more I listened to their conversation the less I understood.
"Kirito. Who are these girls?" I finally spoke up. They all turned to me and I fidgeted, feeling like the extra neighbor at a family reunion.
"Kirito, who is he?"
" Girls, this is my best friend Eugeo. Eugeo, this is my little sister suguha, my friends silica, sinon, lisbeth, and my wife Asuna. " he said with a reading grin while he wrapped an arm around the Orange haired girls waist.
They all smiled at me and Asuna lightly smacked his arm.
"WHAT!?!" I yelled in shock. "Wait, but you said you didn't remember anything before you showed up in rulid!" I pointed an accusing finger at him and he flinched and scratched the back of his head with a nervous laugh.
" Yeah, well, Uum... Eugeo, I'm not sure how to explain this, but... I'm not, really, from this-dimension. " he hesitated on every word.
"I'm sorry, what?" I was verging on the edge of fury at this ridiculous guy who had been with me for two years but never bothered to tell me any of this.
"Well, it's hard to explain, especially since I'm not exactly sure what happened myself. But, well, how to put it? There are many worlds, so to speak, and this is just one of them, and there are ways to get from one world to another, therefore I have been to many. For instance, suguha, has spent a lot of time in the world of ALO, a realm of fairies and such. Sinon, has spent a long time in a world where they fight with these things called guns, a small instrument that uses fire power to shoot small lead balls. Asuna, silica, lisbeth, and I, were in a world made up of a giant floating castle, where we had to clear the floors on each level(like what you and I have been doing here but worse.) of all monsters in order to reach the top and leave that world, to return to the main world. The main world is where we all originate from, and where our families are. All worlds connect to that one, and from there you can enter any one you want. "
I just stared at him in disbelief.
"Daddy!!!!!!!!!" A flash of dark and light rushed past me and when I looked back I saw Kirito on the floor after having been tackled by a small girl with long black hair.
"Yui! You're here after all!" I was still beyond confused, but my best friend looked so happy I couldn't exactly stay mad.
" Daddy, you've been asleep for weeks! Mommy was so sad! We missed you Daddy."
Wait, it only just struck me but. "Daddy?!" I stared while kirito, Asuna, and the kid looked back at me from the floor.
" Who are you? " the little girl asked with suspicion, and Kirito laughed and parted her head.
"Yui, this is my friend Eugeo, Eugeo, this is my daughter Yui." She continued to watch me and my jaw dropped.
"How old are you really Kirito? "
This earned laughs from everyone except for me. "Uhm, its been two years so, eighteen or nineteen maybe?" He said questioningly.
"You don't even know your own age? " I taped and he rubbed the back of his neck.
Asuna leaned over and stared at him. "Did you just say two years?"
He nodded.
"But kirito, it's only been a few weeks since you were injected and fell into a coma."
He looked surprised at that. "Really? Wait, did you say that I'm in a coma?!"
He looked around at the other girls and they all nodded sadly. "D*mn." He looked at the floor.
Asuna spoke up. "After that laughing coffin guild guy injected you, you died for a while, but while the hospital people managed to bring you back to life, they said that your brain took massive damage and that you might never wake up." A tear slid down her cheek. " a little while after we received word that you would be transferred to a different hospital for treatment, but we later found out that you had been abducted by the company that you had been working with, so I snuck aboard their ship base along with the girlfriend of akihiko hayabe, and we found out that they had taken you there because it was the only place with the proper technology to help you, and they put you in here to repair your fluctlight. Recently they told us that they could let us enter to see you, and of course we agreed. "
I barely understood even a very small portion of that, but I knew that it wasn't good considering how my friend stared at the floor despondent.
I walked closer and sat down next to him. "Hey, Kirito, I don't know what's going on, but I can tell that it's not very pleasant, will you be okay?" I asked and he looked up at me with a small smile.
" Yeah, I'm fine. " then he seemed to finally remember why we were here. "We should go before pontifex does something. You want to come help us clear a floor girls?" I was surprised that he would ask them that, but then I finally noticed that they all carried weapons, and they all seemed excited at the idea.
"It's been a while since we've all fought together."
"You bet! "
"As long as you promise to be careful."
"Listen to mommy, daddy."
" So who are we fighting? "
None of them asked why, they just followed him with absolute trust and obvious adoration. It was strange to see my best friend in such a group. With such a following.
He briefly explained to them the situation here and they all seemed extra eager to fight afterward.
I heard Asuna mutter something about 'worse than heathecliff', and I wondered who he was.
And so we headed up the last few floors to pontifex, I was astonished by the abilities of these girls.

Kirito p.o.v.

I watched while I fought as all my girls exerted there skill and we destroyed our enemies, Eugeo would sometimes pause to state at them in wonder, but immediately go back to fighting.
We would not loose, not when we had so many amazing friends and fighters on our side. I was proud, of Eugeo, who I had watched bloom like his blue roses into a brilliant swordsman, and of my friends, girlfriend/wife, and daughter, who were always helping me through tough spots.
I really had the best anyone could wish for.

A.n. Yes I know this sucks, sorry, and I can't go any further because the series isn't complete yet and I don't know enough about the villain. Sorry.

End of this scenario.

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