Chapter 17 : ESCAPE

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"Please, Noh. Aim is really stressed out about this. Can you tell me who slept with Phun last night?"

Those words are still spinning inside my head and they are not stopping anytime soon, not even when I finally got home. I'm placing my hand over my forehead like how I've seen actors do on television. This doesn't help lift away the heaviness in my head at all

"Lately, you and Phun have been going off the radar a lot. Aim is so stressed out over this. I'm okay though, I'm just worried about my friend."

"It's okay if you won't tell me what's going on, Noh. But can you please tell Phun how badly he's hurting Aim? Can you tell him to stop doing this to her? Phun and Aim are a couple. Why doesn't he go to her instead? Why does he have to be with some other girls? Who does he think Aim is?" 

My eyes are closed as if I'm trying to escape this reality. But how can I escape when it isn't even something I can see and run away from? They are the words that keep repeating loudly inside my head.

"The condoms that Phun usually carry in his wallet are missing. Noh...Phun and Aim aren't like us. They've been together in that way. Phun can't treat women like we're his toys like this. I won't allow it."

" ########## IT!" I swear at myself loudly as I throw the body pillow across the room. I keep wishing that if I yell loud enough, I won't be able to hear Yuri's voice in my head anymore. It's like someone keeps rewinding the scene over and over.

I'm not angry at Yuri for coming to me about this. I'm not angry at Aim, who is sitting somewhere crying her eyes out. I'm not even angry at Phun after learning that he has that kind of a relationship with Aim.

What I feel is how much I hate myself. I'm the reason everything turned out this way. I'm the ########## without any conscience.

" ##########..." I keep swearing at myself while I blindly wander around my room grabbing things and shoving them into my black school backpack.

This has to end. No matter what.


I wonder if I've been to this place over 8 times in the past 7 days. I crane my neck up to look at the huge mansion in front of me. Then, I take a deep breath before I ring the bell.

Auntie Noi rushes over to let me in. She gives me a gentle smile while she asks me if she could help me with the backpack. I feel wouldn't be a real man if I allow this elderly lady to carry my school backpack around so I insist on carrying it myself. ^^"

She gives me a long sigh since I refuse her offer. Then she tells me, "Khun Phun is upstairs in his room, khun Noh. If you don't mind showing yourself in, then I'll go let khun Pang know that you are here." Eh? Why does Pang needs to know that I'm here, Auntie? -_-" Right, I keep forgetting who I'm supposed to be whenever I visit this house.

I'm so pathetic. I'm fucking up people's lives over 20,000 baht.

I'm dragging the backpack with an insignia embedded on it (I haven't used this bag since the 9th grade) over the beautiful parquet flooring. I stop in front of a door that I've grown familiar with. A cool air is leaking through the gap at the bottom of the door which tells me that the owner of this room is inside with the A/C blasting away just like I thought.

However, before I get a chance to knock on the door, my phone starts ringing.

Who can be nice at every hour? I'm a person, not a character in a drama on TV.

This ########## is probably a psychic.

"Why are you calling me? I'm right in front of your room." Short and easy to understand. The person on the other line to quickly hangs up before he swings the door open. "Eh?!"

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